Birthday/ Neon/ Halloween Party!

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Lunas P.O.V

"Luna? Luna?" Someone whispered as they were shaking me lightly. I turned my head so I was completely facing the pillow.

"She's not gonna wake  up like that! Shake her a little bit more" Someone else whispered harshly. It sounded like Bree but I didn't wanna wake up, so I kept acting like I was asleep.

"Luna, wake up babe" Now I officially know who's shaking me. Chase was the one sitting on the bed beside me trying to wake me up. Bree's probably standing by the door and I'm pretty sure Adam and Leo isn't here cause then I would have been woken up violently.

"What?" I asked but kept my eyes closed. I heard Bree chuckle and that got me confused. I could hear Bree tell Chase that she will wait downstairs and then I felt a cold wind, meaning Bree left.

"Happy Birthday" Chase whispered softly in my ear. I winded my eyes and shot up from bed.

"Is it my birthday? Already!" I said/asked and looked at Chase. He chuckled at me before giving me a kiss.

"Yepp" He said popping the "p". He pecked me one more time and was about to get up from bed.

"Where do you think you're going? It's my birthday, so you're staying right here" I said and dragged him back to bed. He laughed at me and giggled. I grabbed him by the neck and smashed our lips toghether.

Chase responded quickly and put his arms around my waist. I snaked my arms around his neck and got on his lap. Chase slowly slid his hands under my shirt and had them on my lower back. Mine went on his chest and just as his were about to go higher up on my back the door knocked.

"Luna! Wake Up! I made something special!" Logan yelled behind the door. I laughed at him and got off of Chases lap.

"Later" I said to Chase and went into the bathroom to get ready. When I was done Chase wasn't in my room and I just guessed he was in the kitchen or living room.

I walked downstairs and everyone was there. And by everyone I mean Chase, Bree, Leo, Adam, Mr. Davenport, Tasha and Logan. I was surprised because just as I entered the room everyone yelled happy birthday.

"What are all of you doing here?" I asked but I was smiling like crazy.

"Well it's your birthday and we wanted you to celebrate it" Logan said. Bree ran over to me and engulfed me in a hug. Next came Adam and then Tasha. 

"Happy birthday, Chica!" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw my cousin Ana. I ran up and hugged her. She's twenty five but we used to be like sisters before I became Black Arrow.

"Oh my god! This is the best birthday ever!" I yelled. I saw Chase smiling at me and I ran up to him.

"It's about to get better" Mr. Davenport said excitedly. I looked at him confused and he nodded his head upstairs. I walked upstairs into my room and saw a white egyptian dress. I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and Chase head was resting on my shoulder.

"Do you like it?" He asked and I nodded eagerly.

"Put it on and come downstairs. And by the way, the dress has a neon color just like your make-up" Chase said. I gave him a quick kiss and went into the bathroom. I put on my dress and a pair of heels. I looked myself in the mirror and smiled. I put some make-up on and curled my hair.

When I was done I walked out of my room and downstairs. I saw everybody else already dressed in their costume and it was awesome. Leo was dracula, Bree was a fairy, Adam was a clown, Logan was a zombie, Ana was wonder woman, Tasha was catwoman, Mr. Davenport was James Dean and Chase was dressed as Robin Hood.

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