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It was Friday and Yugi was just getting out of college, he headed straight to the arcade, he signed to his grandfather last night that he was meeting some new friends after school and his grandpa nodded and signed not to stay out too late and to have fun. Yugi took a few breaths when he saw a group of teens in front of the arcade, he recognized Yami since he did have the same hair as Yugi. Yami spotted Yugi getting close, he smiles and looks at his friends and cousin" ok like I said he is deaf, so do yes and no question for now then when he feels comfortable you have to communicate with the notepads I gave you guys as he can't read lip, simple questions for now, no long sentences" his friends nod. Once Yugi was close to them he waved shyly and smiles; he had his whiteboard out to use for small talk

A/N: notebook will be in underline and whiteboard talk 'talk'

Yami smiles back, waves" guys this is Yugi, please wave hi" the gang waves, Yugi bows' how are you all?' Yami takes out a notepad he brought so he could communicate with Yugi better till he can study sign language' been good, high school has been killer, can't wait till we graduate but we'll getting there' the others agree by nodding when they saw Yami's response. Everyone heads inside, Yami starts writing then showed Yugi' Yugi, I'll point out each person and their name on here to introduce you properly' Yugi nods and looked at the name Joey he then looks up, Yami points to a blonde man stuffing his face, another dude beside him which he could tell who he was, it was Seto Kaiba, they were dating? That was a shock to Yugi since he didn't think Kaiba was gay, Kaiba nudged Joey, Joey looks up with his cheeks full of food, waves then swallowed the food and continued eating. Yugi smiles and silently giggles. Yami then points to two men with white hair almost identical just one had spikier hair, Yami pointed to two names' Bakura' he points to the mean looking man with the spikey hair, then he points to the innocent looking man' Ryou' Yugi nods, waves at the two. He went to two other identical men with white-gold hair color just one had more spikier hair and looked kind of like a psycho along with Bakura; Yami points to the psycho looking one' Malik' then he points to an innocent looking Malik' Marik, they are not related at all but some reason they have the same last name Ishtar. They are from Egypt' Yugi smiles and waves, writes on his own notebook' nice to meet you all, my name is Yugi Motou, I am deaf. I'm sorry that this is all strange to you, I know sign language also but I suck at lip reading' Ryou wrote in his notebook' it's alright, one day we will all learn sign language and it'll be easier for you to talk to us' Yami smiles really glad that his friends were liking Yugi, not minding that they have to use a notebook to communicate with Yugi till they learn sign language.

A/N: I am so sorry for confusing everyone in the earlier and later chapters of this story, I'm not use to writing without being able to look back on what I wrote, I tend to mix things up and forget what I wrote earlier, I will correct the mistakes

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