Yami to the rescue

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Saying that he wasn't terrified would be a lie to himself, he was petrified' the hell am I doing...' but Yami swallowed that feeling down and continued to climb without looking down, he was willing to save this person once he got to the top he knew he had to climb down on the beams to the pod so he slowly moved his way onto the wheel using all his strength to hold his body and lower himself slowly down to the pod. Yami finally made it on top of the pod, he leaned down and saw a little girl huddled far from the door, hugging her knees, Yami takes out the little steel rod that kept the door closed, opened it; the little girl looked up at him, her tears were sliding down her cheeks, he slowly slid in the pod and taking her in his arms" it's alright Young One, I got you, just hang onto me as tight as you can," Yami kneels down, the girl goes to him, wraps her tiny arms around Yami's neck, grabbing the front of his shirt tightly. Yami heard the fire engines, police cars, and ambulance, he sighs glad that help was here, Yami looked over his shoulder at the little girl" hang on tight" he starts climbing down carefully; at the ground Yugi was with his friends he texted them about the situation, Bakura and Malik had to stay back since the police were there and wouldn't let any one go near the Ferris Wheel, Yugi clung to Joey, hiding his face in his side, tears falling, really worried about Yami because he couldn't see him through the thick smoke. Ryou was rubbing Yugi's back trying to calm him down and hoping Yami would get out of the smoke since the smoke is the killer than the flames.

Yami was almost to the botton till the Ferris Wheel jolted and started tilting forward he cussed, the girl screamed in fright, he looked down and saw the firefighters lifting the bucket towards them, it was just about a few inches from them, Yami saw one firefighter but the bucket was small and could only hold one person so he grabbed the small girl's wrist" hang on! When I swing you towards the bucket, grab the man's hand!" the girl whimpers but nods. The girl lets herself be dangled by the wirst, Yami held tightly on the beam and started swinging her towards the fireman, the fireman leaned over as far as he could, holding out his hand. The little girl was reaching for the strange man in the hat, the man finally grabbed the girl's hand, Yami started coughing because of the thick smoke that was around him, the man didn't like leaving the other man hanging but the basket couldn't fit all three, Yami saw the fireman hesitant" GO!!" Yami screamed then there was an explosion from the controls of the ride, the ladder lowered the basket towards the ground. Yami was clinging the beam the best he could but he felt his hand slipping and he was too weak to get his right hand back on the beam, Yami closed his eyes as he slipped' I'm sorry Yugi...' and he disappeared in the thick smoke.

(A/N: I was watching this scene from Mighty Joe Young when I was making this chapter)

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