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It was three weeks after the big sleepover with Yami and the gang, Yugi had so much fun with them, he never had that much fun since his parents' death. It was just a normal day in college with Yugi till he was slammed into the locker by his everyday bully Ushio; he was blind but he knew his surrounds really well without a seeing eye dog and a cane. He wore black glasses to hide his cloudy eyes, he was pretty stupid though so every time he would bully Yugi, he would talk, forgetting every time that Yugi was deaf. Ushio had two people that followed him around; Yosuki Fuki and Yoki Soki. They were paralyzed from the waist down and they knew sign language so they would translate for Ushio and his words to Yugi (A/N:the talking will be between the two in bold, showing that Yoski and Yoki are translating for the both of them) Ushio holds Yugi by the shirt" Hey Runt, there has been words through school that you have friends now, they also don't come to this school" "that's right, they are from the Domino high school, they have no disabilities and they know about mine" Yugi said. He hated being picked on by Ushio, he was always his target no one else in the school just him, he didn't know why though. The bell rung, Ushio let go but not before punching Yugi in the stomach causing him to slide down holding his stomach in pain. He hated when Ushio picked on him but he didn't know what to do, no one would help him not even teachers, he didn't want to involve his friends with his problems or get in trouble because of him since he knew Yami, Malik, and would do something bad to Ushio and his partners to teach them a lesson.
Yugi was walking home from college, his stomach hurt, a bruise was already forming, it was big as a soccer ball. It was really rough at school at times that Yugi doesn't want to go back there because of the bullying but he wanted to finished so he could get a good job. Yugi didn't know what he wanted to be yet, he thought a teacher for the school he's in, teaching deaf children, they did make good money there. He had time to figure it out though, he doesn't graduate till two years from now, though if he took summer and fall classes then he would be able to graduate a year early. Once at home he went to his room, took out his story story that he named Egyptian's forbidden love story Yugi had some of the facts that were true in it and also some that he made up. He text Yami' hey Yami, how did school go?' Yami smiles when he read his text from Yugi' it's been ok, how about yours?' Yugi sighs, he didn't want to tell Yami about Ushio but he really wanted to tell Yami about his bully problems' Yami could you come over please? I need to talk to you about something that needs to be said in person,' Yami tilts his head wondering what Yugi needed to talk about, he sent a text saying sure, he jump in his convertible black car with crimson flames on the sides.

Once Yami got there, he went inside, greeted Solomon and went upstairs to Yugi's room, he been in the house a few times when he came over for dinner or hanging out with his friends. He knocked hard on the door, Yugi was able to feel the vibration of the knocking at the door so he got up, opened it and smiles, he hugs Yami.' you could have just walked in' Yami shrugged' I didn't know if you were naked or changing out of your school clothes' Yugi nodded, that made sense, that would be so embarrassing if Yami walked in on him changing, he was self conscious of his skinny pale body and with the recent beating from Ushio he knew he would have some bruises he didn't want to show Yami just yet till he told him. Yugi pulls Yami to his bed, has him sit, Yugi sits beside Yami' I didn't want to worry you about this, but it's gotten bad. I'm being bullied by a special needs kid named Ushio, he's blind but that doesn't stop him from bullying other students especially me. He loves to come after me all the time, I'm not sure why though,' it shocked Yami that Yugi was being bullied for no reason. He hugged Yugi and pulled away' I'm sorry that you are being bullied Yugi, that's not right especially when there is no reason to be bullied and that he is a special needs kid so he has no need to do that' Yugi nodded and sighs, he didn't know what to do with Ushio' I just wanted to tell you about my problem. Promise not to do any thing that will get you in trouble' Yami nods' I promise, just be careful, if you need to, call me and I'll be here by your side' Yugi nodded and hugs Yami, they cuddle up and just enjoyed each other's company.

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