Crush or Love? Determination

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It's been two months since Yugi met Yami and his friends, they hung out every weekend and when they are all free. Over time Yugi has grown close to Yami and wanted to know more about him but he was too shy to ask Yami himself so he went to his friends. It was one Friday afternoon that everyone but Yami was at BurgerWorld, Yami told them that he had to stay home and help his dad with something ancient. Yugi took this opportunity to ask his friends about the older look alike. Yugi took out his notepad, started writing then showed Joey; he read it out loud for the gang" Can you tell me about Yami?" Ryou smiles looks at the gang and nods, he had seen how Yugi looks at Yami and blushes every time Yami did something sweet for Yugi. Joey starts writing his part then he passed it to Seto, he looked over Seto's shoulder to make sure he was writing good things about his cousin. Joey looks at Ryou and Marik" make sure your boyfriends write good things about Yami, no lies, no bad things either" they nodded and waited for their turn. The notepad was passed down to each of friend with their own opinions about Yami in their own eyes and to help Yugi know him more. They knew Yugi was too shy to ask Yami directly so they helped him. Ryou handed Yugi the notebook and he read it;

A/N: I'm sorry if they suck Dx

Joey: Yams is a cool guy, he will protect and help any one in need. He will flirt to the one he is dating. He did have other boyfriends but they just saw his looks and money so they were not serious. He wants a dedicated and loving relationship. Yami is a fun and funny guy.
Seto: my cousin has a big heart and sometimes that will get him in trouble but it's just how he is. He is touchy on the subject about his mother but he will tell you when he is comfortable so avoid that till he is ready to tell you. He will be by your side in a flash if you are upset, sad, mad, confused. But to the point, he likes you so confess already!!

A/N: For the six words at the end was YukinoMusume 's idea thank you so much for the idea!

Joey smacked Seto on the back of the head for that, didn't shock any one cause only Joey would be able to hit Seto without getting killed or hurt.

Bakura: He's an awesome guy but sometimes a killjoy when it comes to pranks on strangers or our friends, he does know how to come up with great pranks and allows me and Malik to have fun at times. He will get revenge or paybacks on any one who hurts his friends and lover *cough* you *cough*; Yugi blushes and Ryou hits Bakura on the back of the head
Malik: similar to Bakura's response, we do help him with his revenges and paybacks. He does participate in pranks with Bakura and I but he knows when not to get involve with out pranks.
Marik: he's a big softy and don't be afraid to ask him for any thing. He will do all he can to help you out in any situations. He's great at advice and tips.
Ryou: Yami is an understanding guy so he won't push any touché subjects unless it is necessary, he is really trust worthy also. If he does fight with his lover he will need a day or two to cool off and then he'll give flowers or gifts to his lover to show he is really really sorry and that he still loves them, he had a lot of those but they did not take him serious or they just wanted expensive apologies.

Yugi smiles and looks at his new friends, nods his head showing that he was grateful. Everyone did see how Yugi and Yami look at each other without the other one knowing, it was cute but annoying since they just tiptoe around each other and don't confess immediately. Yugi was too shy and scared to ask Yami and Yami was denying his feelings for Yugi, he mostly just tells them it's a simple crush and Yugi deserves someone better than him.

At Yami's house he was in his room with a big sign language book in front of him he has been studying how to do sign language since that day out with Yugi and his friends. He was gaining courage to ask Yugi out in sign language than just writing it. Yami was having some trouble with sign language but he was getting the hang of it and was testing himself to make sure he didn't mix any signs up and make a fool out of himself. His father; Akhenamkhanen walked in" why aren't you out with your friends?" Yami looks at his father" because I need to study sign language" Akhenamkhanen blinks" sign language? When did you get into that?" Yami explained to his father about Yugi's disability and how he uses a whiteboard and notebook to communicate and he wanted to ask Yugi out on a date by using sign language. Akhenamkhanen smiles, he didn't care that his son was gay, as long as he was happy" your mother would be so proud of you, she did worry you would never find someone to truly love" Yami smiles sadly, his mother Akana passed away from cancer when he was 13, it was a big hit in the heart to Yami, he misses his mother everyday and wishes for her to be there when he was lost or confused, she always gave good advice and tips. Yami had a picture of her in his locker, in his wallet and in his room to feel her close to him. Yami looks at his dad" well Dad I think this is the one, he is so beautiful.. his amethyst eyes are just like rare jewels you can never find in the world, his baby face and child like body is cute. I sometimes wish he would talk so I can hear his voice but I know I can't but I don't care about his disability as long as he and I are happy together it won't get between us." Akhenamkhanen smiles" that sounded like your mother's advice, you are just like her on the inside and out" he ruffles Yami's hair, he smiles" thanks Dad, keep this a secret from the others I want to surprise them to" his father nodded and left back to his office to talk more about some ancient artifacts that were found in Cairo, Egypt. Yami studied all night till he fell asleep on his desk, Akhenamkhanen walked in to check on his son and smiled at the sight, he picked up Yami and laid him in bed and covered him up with the sheets and cover" good night Son, I love you and so does your mother~" Akhenamkhanen walks out and went to bed himself.

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