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It was dark around him, he didn't know what was going on, he felt like he was floating in water (picture above) Yami couldn't remember what was going on and how he got here till he remembered the date he and Yugi were on at KaibaLand then suddenly after they got off the Ferris Wheel it caught on fire and he went up to rescue a little girl that was trapped up on top. Yami remembered handing the girl to the firefighter and the bucket of the firetruck was lowering since it couldn't hold three people, he was slipping then nothing; was this Heaven? Hell? or just floating in darkness after death? Yami didn't know he just hoped that Yugi would forgive him if he did die.

In the hospital, Yami survived the fall, thanks to the firefighters as the inflated a blob and he fell right on it, he was rushed to the hospital his friends all got in two cars and drove to the hospital, Seto called his uncle and told him that Yami was in the hospital. Akhenamkhanen rushed to the hospital after his nephew called and told him that his son was in an accident, once there he talked to the doctor and filled out papers for Yami, Yugi stopped crying but his eyes were all puffy and red, cheeks flushed, dry tear stains on his cheeks, he was waiting till Yami got out of the ER they were trying to get the smoke out of his lungs. Ryou and Marik were doing their best to keep him calm till then, Bakura and Malik were pacing trying not to make a scene since they hated waiting and wanted to know what was happening, the two never really liked hospitals cause they think they don't know any thing and preferred to do things on their own. Seto was outside talking to the manager to have the Ferris Wheel investigated and to make sure it never happens again in his amusement park. Mokuba was sitting silently waiting to hear how his cousin was. What felt like an eternity the doctor came out and told everyone that Yami would survive just needs to recover and stay over night do they can monitor him, Ryou signed to Yugi about Yami's condition; he was so relieved that Yami will be ok, he asked if he could see him and the doctor nodded, everyone else left since there was nothing they could do till Yami woke up and was back home to recover. Yugi walked in Yami's room, seeing him all hooked up and with the breathing machine really scared Yugi he sat down, held Yami's hand and just stared at his sleeping face, he had some bandages on his cheek and arms, his hair was a little dark because of the smoke, Yugi smiled softly and stroked his cheek gently' I am so glad that you'll be ok Yami you really scared me when I saw you on the stretcher getting taken to the hospital I should hate you for doing something so reckless but I can't because you saved a little girl's life, I wouldn't be surprised if you were in the newspaper tomorrow'  Yugi giggles thinking of Yami being all embarrassed but flattered at the people's gifts and telling him that he was a hero, Yugi yawned leaned down and went to sleep, his upper half on Yami's bed, hand still in Yami's.

In the morning Yami slowly woke up, he looked around as his vision cleared he noticed he was in the hospital he sighs in relieve that he did not die, he felt pressure on his hand and looked down, he saw Yugi sleeping with his tiny soft hand on Yami's, Yami smiled and just watched his little angel sleeping till Yugi stirred and woke up, he looks up and smiled wide when he saw Yami awake, he stood up, leaned over being careful of the wires and IV and hugged his boyfriend, tears formed as he shook. Yami smiled softly, rubbed Yugi's back to show him that he was alright and that it was ok now, Yugi pulled away, smiles' you worried me to death Yami Sennen! I should really be mad at you but I just can't because you saved a life and I can't be mad for that reason,' Yami chuckle' sorry for worrying you Yugi, I will make it up to you on another date after I am healthy enough to get out of bed' Yugi nods' deal' the two talked till the doctor came to check on Yami and his breathing, Yugi texted Seto telling him that Yami woke up and to call everyone so they can come and visit him. Everyone came in to see how Yami was doing Everyone talked in sign language so Yugi wasn't left out on the conversations, Joey leaned on the wall' man Yams you scared us all to death, Yug' texted me and told me about a fire at KaibaLand and to call everyone to go to the park, we were shocked when we saw the Ferris Wheel on fire and saw you climbing, Bakura, Malik and I wanted to come and help you but the stupid police wouldn't let us near it and told us to let the firefighters do their job,' Ryou nods' Marik and I had to keep Yugi from having a nervous break down, he was breathing heavily, crying so hard even screaming, shaking badly also, only time he calmed down was when you were on the stretcher and that you were still breathing even though it was shallow,' Yami strokes Yugi's hair since he had Yugi come lay down beside him, the younger look alike was being careful not to move too much, kissed his forehead showing that he was sorry for scaring Yugi, Yugi smiled and forgave Yami. Everyone started leaving since it was dinner time an that they would see Yami when he was home, Akhenamkhanen sat on the chair that Yugi was in and sighed" you are making me get grey hairs already son" Yami chuckles" sorry Dad it was not my intention, it was suppose to be a nice date but bad luck had to follow me" Akhenamkhanen smiles" well I'll leave you two be, you should be able to get out tomorrow just will have to take it easy and not do any sports and gym for awhile till you can get your breathing back to normal and not be short breath real fast" Yami nods and smiles" thanks Dad, I really don't want to stay here any longer it makes me think of Mom..." His mother died in this same hosptial and he really never wanted to come back here ever; he would just go to a small clinic for check ups and minor injuries, he avoids getting any life threatening injuries or getting really sick so he doesn't have to come in this place. Akhenamkhanen smiles sadly and nods" same here Yami..." he kisses Yami's head and leaves to talk to the doctor about Yami being excused from gym class, Yugi was snuggling in Yami's side as Yami and his father talked, Yami got Yugi's attention and signed to him of what they were talking about, Yugi felt bad for Yami as he hated seeing his boyfriend sad because of his mother's death who ever can get over a parent's death? Yugi missed his parents even though he only has vivid memories of them, they were killed in a plane accident while going on a business trip along with other passengers, no one survived that crash, he remembered crying for weeks after his grandpa told him that his parents were in a crash and that they would never return home. His grandpa would tell him about them being good people and that they loved him very much and didn't want to leave Yugi but had to because of their work, he laid his head under Yami's chin and just drew shapes on his chest with his finger, deep in thought, Yami didn't mind the silence, he stroked his love's back just enjoying his company.

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