Adventures in Tokyo

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In the morning Yami and Yugi woke up early to explore Tokyo before they had to meet the Otolaryngologist later on in the day, Yugi was a little discouraged that he couldn't hear the busy streets and the music that the performers were playing, he hoped that he can walk around when he gets his hearing and be able to listen to the music and the noisy busy traffic. Yami held Yugi's hand so they didn't get separate since the sidewalk was really crowded, the two looked through store windows even went in some to just look around. Yugi was having a fun time, Tokyo had a lot of stuff more stuff than what Domino's stores have, he really wanted to hear because everyone he has seen were smiling and clapping at the street performers that had instruments, though he did like the mimes, jugglers, and magicians so it wasn't all that bad still wish he could hear the music the people were playing.

It was around five when Yami, Yugi, and Solomon went to the Otolaryngologist to talk about Yugi's surgery (A/N: I suck at hospital terms and how the surgery works so I'm skipping their talk). After the visit Yami told Solomon that he was going to take Yugi to look around more before it gets dark out, he nods and told them to be careful, Solomon went and did some exploring himself, they would get dinner later on, Yugi was excited to see more of Tokyo, sight seeing and take pictures with his boyfriend.

A/N: I'm sorry for taking such a long time to update the story, forgive me. Such a short chapter, I never been to Tokyo so I am not sure what's all there and what fun things they can do than just sight seeing, just use your imagination :) thank you all for the votes, great comments and reading my story :)

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