A much needed date

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It was three weeks after Yami enrolls in Domino college and started his classes, his most favorite of course was art, he was painting something on a big canvas but he wasn't telling or showing any one it, he had it in the corner, facing towards the wall so no one at the desks could see it. Some students asked what it was or who it was for, he always told them' it's for someone very special in my life' and that was all what he told them nothing else. It was finally a weekend and Yami texted Yugi, they haven't been able to go on any dates and only seeing each other around college and during lunch. They still texted but it just wasn't the same than seeing each other for three weeks, they both were just very busy as it was close to exams so they had to study, do homework and more studying, it was close to Thanksgiving Break so that was why the teachers have been cramming study sheets that need to be completed and homework.
Yami texted Yugi' hey Aibou, you free tomorrow?' Yugi was at home in his room studying and working on study worksheets when he felt vibration on the table, he looked over and saw his screen on, he saw it was from Yami, he did a silent chuckle at the question and rolls his eyes' now you know I am, it's a Saturday and college is closed on weekends ALSO we are at the same college Yami,' Yami laughs a little at Yugi's response' yes I know Aibou, just like messing with you, tomorrow how about I pick you up and we spend the whole day together since it has been a long time since we had a date with my enrollment at the college and my classes,' Yugi smiled at Yami's text' I would love to Yami, what time will you be over?' Yami thinks, looking at his digital clock then texted Yugi' I'll be there around eleven in the morning, we can have breakfast then do whatever you want,' Yugi nods liking that idea' ok, I'll tell my grandpa,' Yami smiles' ok Little One, I'll see you tomorrow morning then, sleep well, I love you,' Yugi giggles and blushes' I love you to Yami,' Yugi head downstairs and saw his grandpa on the couch, he walked to it, tapping his shoulder, Solomon looks up from his paper, Yugi signed' Yami is taking me out tomorrow on a date, he'll be here at eleven, can you wake me up at ten so I can get ready? We will also be eating out for breakfast,' Solomon nodded' just know you will need to study all day tomorrow for all your class exams,' Yugi nodded' I will, I'll finish my papers and study tomorrow since I know the store won't be as busy. Make sure to call Joey or Tristan if it gets too wild tomorrow, you know Saturday is our craziest and most busiest day. I don't want you to get stress or break something in with all the crazy teenagers,' Solomon chuckles and nods' I will call Joesph in the morning so he can help with the shop till it dies down,' Yugi nods satisfied that his grandpa will call Joey to help him, he may be young at heart but not in body, Yugi worries about his grandpa when the store is opened and he has no help, he is afraid that he will break a bone or have a stroke if the store got really busy. Yugi helps when he can on the weekend and when he has no classes on some week days. Joey and Tristan were offered jobs there also, they accepted, Joey also had a paper route in the morning he also does for extra cash, Tristan worked at a mechanic shop, when he didn't have work he would come over and help around the shop. He hugs his grandpa good night and heads upstairs, turning off his lamp, undressing and getting in his blue Pjs that had yellow star shirt and matching pants and sliding into bed, getting comfortable and going to sleep.

In the morning Yugi felt someone shaking him, he opens his eyes and saw his grandpa' it's ten, you best get up and in the shower, Yami will be here any minute' Yugi smiled and nodded, he sat up, yawned and stretched, he went to his closet and looked at his choices' I'll wear this one,' He grabbed the outfit and hurried to the bathroom to shower, he was really excited for the date since it has been quite awhile since their last date because of college work and exams. (A/N: the outfit is what he wore in the new Yugioh Movie Dark Side of Dimensions, picture below)

 (A/N: the outfit is what he wore in the new Yugioh Movie Dark Side of Dimensions, picture below)

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