Fun day in KaibaLand

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Yugi was lucky he was tall enough to ride the extreme rides and some of the mild ones to. He was having a blast with Yami, he always kept signing thank you to Yami and Yami would laugh and sign you're welcome. The two had a blast it was now lunch and they were sitting a picnic table in the shade, eating. Yugi has never had this much fun in forever, he looked at Yami, tapped his arm to get his attention; Yami looked at Yugi and saw him signing' this has been the best day ever Yami, it's only one and we rode almost all the riders here,' some of the rides Yugi saw were too terrifying so he didn't go on the most extreme rides as he couldn't even stomach it just by watching it move at such high speeds, loopy loops, cork strews, the steep drops so they only went on the medium sized rides and some water rides also that were there, it was a very hot day so wet clothes cooled them down till the sun made the water warm on their clothes and they were slowly being boiled alive so they stayed in the shade a bit till they cooled down a bit. Yugi always asked for an icee cause it was so hot out and the icee cooled his insides down. Yami bought a big cup with a handle that they could get free refills of whatever drink they wanted and it was very helpful for the hot day. The couple stayed at the amusement park till dark, Yugi was on Yami's back, exhausted and ready to fall asleep, in his arm was a Winged Kuriboh plush that Yami won for him in a crane machine. Yami smiles over his shoulder when he felt Yugi light breathing indicating that he fell asleep, he had his arms under Yugi's legs. Once Yami reached to his car, he slowly sets Yugi down but holding him so he didn't fall as he was half asleep, Yami opened the door and helped his sleepy boyfriend in his seat, he buckles him, pushes the seat back so Yugi could lay down, Yami then kissed his cheek and closed the door and drove to his place

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