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After Yugi ran home, he locked himself in his bedroom and cried silently it broke his heart when he told Yami that he hated and he never wanted to see him again but he wanted to keep Yami safe. His phone vibrated in his pocket, he takes it out, it was Joey' hey Yug' is Yami with you? He's not answering his phone and he promised to meet me at the arcade to play some games after he met up with you,' that caused Yugi's eyes to water again, he typed with shaken fingers' I don't know where he is Joey... maybe his phone died and he is somewhere else and lost track of time,' he sent it and cried. His phone vibrated again, looked at it, his eyes widen' you did good Little Yugi, thank you for making Yami in his valuable state,' under the text was a picture of Yami with his arms above his head chains around them, shirtless but he could see slashes with blood on his chest, arms, and stomach it looked like from a knife or whip, his hair not spiky he figured it was because of the rain, Yami's head was down so he couldn't tell if he was awake or even alive. Yugi thought' Yami.... oh god!!'

Yugi: You told me if I left Yami you wouldn't hurt him!! You lied to me!!'
Kidnapper: you'll never see Yami ever again, bye you deaf freak.

Yugi shook, he put Yami in danger even after what he did. He texted Joey' get all our friends and come to my house, I might know where Yami is,' Joey sent an ok and he called everyone and told them to head to Yugi's house.

Yami groaned and opened his eyes, his body was aching and he couldn't move his arms or feet much, he looked around and saw he was like in some kind of basement, all he could remember was Yugi breaking up with him. Thinking about that broke his heart" why did Yugi end it...?" He then heard a female laugh" I see you are awake my sweet prince to tell you why he ended it, it was because of m I threaten I would harm you if he didn't break up with you what a gullible man such a pathetic useless person who shouldn't even live, what good is he to society if he can't hear and can only do those weird hand signals" Yami looked around but couldn't find the woman" you're wrong!! Yugi is the sweetest most beautiful person I have ever met and he cares and thinks for others first before himself!! He is not a pathetic useless person!! He's in college and is top of his class" Yami said all pissed trying to free himself from the chains though he knew it was useless with chains. The girl comes out, she had short length hair, brown eyes and was wearing slutty clothing, Yami glares at the person" should have known it was you... Tea Gardner!" Yami had many encounters with Tea at school before, she was trying to get him in her bed but he told her he was gay and he was not interested in woman but she didn't listen and became obsessed with Yami and been flirting with him any chance she continued even after Yami started dating Yugi and after Yami kept telling her he was in into women. He just glares at her" I didn't think you would stoop this low," Tea scuffs" it wasn't hard, all I had to do was text that deaf useless brat and threaten him if he didn't break up with you" she rolls her eyes, this got Yami pissed" YOU BITCH!!! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MADE YUGI BREAK UP WITH ME!!!" He struggles against his bindings, the chains dug into his wrists but he ignored it as he was so pissed that Tea ruined the only relationship he was happy in. Tea snapped her fingers; a big male looked like a high school student came out of the darkness and walked to Yami, cracking his knuckles. Yami just glares at the male, his eyes taunting and challenging him.

When everyone got to Yugi's house, Yugi took a few breaths so he could sign his story without breaking down and making his hands shake; luckily everyone knew how to read sign language after knowing Yugi since they didn't want to communicate by paper any more, they surprised him when they hung out before they were slammed with review sheets for the end of the year exams. So Yugi told everyone about the texts and about having to break up with Yami to protect him then told them about the text saying the person had Yami. Joey's eyes widen" what!? Yams been kidnapped by some stranger?!" Bakura growls" wonder who they are... I'll kill them!" Bakura and Yami may annoy each other but they are great friends. Seto signs' Yugi text the cell phone, I can track their cell with my computer, keep them talking till I tell you' Yugi nods and sent a text the cell hoping that it will work, he is desperate to save Yami.

Tea hears her cell, she saw it was Yugi" looks like your love wants to talk,"
Tea: what do you want?
Yugi: don't hurt Yami any more, whoever you are... I did what you told me to do and I was doing it to protect Yami. You went back on your word!
Tea: so what, just leave us alone, we are happy together now and we don't want some deaf kid butting into our lives!
Seto looked at Yugi and nods, Yugi stopped the texting, Joey looked at his boyfriend" where's the cell coming from?" Seto looks at the laptop" at the school, in the warehouse they keep junk and old stuff that they are too lazy to throw away" Ryou signed to Yugi where it was, Yugi nods, standing' I need to save Yami! It's my fault he is in danger,' Joey places his hand on Yugi's shoulder and pushes him down gently on the couch' sorry Yugi but it's best you stay here with Ryou and Marik, it's too dangerous for you to go, you'll get hurt and I know Yami wouldn't want you to get hurt because of him. Don't worry we will get him here safely and you can play nurse ok,' Yugi sighed and nodded, he didn't want to be in the way having his friends protect him and saving Yami. He didn't mind being deaf but now since he had friends and Yami, he wish he could hear. Joey looks at Seto, Bakura, and Malik" ok let's go save Yami and bring him back here, Ryou, Marik you stay here with Yugi, we'll call when we are on our way back with Yami. Ryou nods" ok, be careful you guys," they nod and head out to Seto's limo and they head to the school. Yugi prays for their safe return and Yami to not be too hurt when he returns, Yugi wants to apologize to Yami for all the things he said in the park, hoping Yami will forgive him.

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