The Surprise

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Yami was finally able to be sent home after a day in the hospital, he was given an inhaler in case he started getting shortness of breath till his lungs got strong again, Yami was on his bed looking up on deaf people hearing again, he wanted Yugi to hear like everyone else, he would do whatever he could to gain that. He asked his dad for help and he said he would help in any way he could. Yami and Yugi were on his bed just enjoying each other's company when Yami got Yugi's attention' Yugi, do you wish to hear?' Yugi looked at his boyfriend smiles softly' I do want to hear, I want to hear your guys conversation, hear music, the birds, even loud noises, it's always been my dream to hear but Grandpa would never have enough money to get me the operation that is needed for me to hear along with the hearing aids,' Yami smiles' one day you will hear Yugi that is a promise' Yugi hugs Yami and nods but he knew that promise will never be fulfilled as the operation is expensive along with the hearing aids and hearing therapy.

(AN: I am going to have him have the operation in which a hearing aid is attached to his skull, I am not good at operation and medical stuff so I won't be writing about the procedure and the operation)


It was summer vacation, Yami and Yugi were really happy to be out of college and have three months of no college, they can make up the time they had been busy with countless dates and enjoying with friends. Yami told Yugi that he had a surprise for Yugi, he invited him and Solomon to his house for dinner with the ok from his dad Yugi had on a purple dress shirt and pants, had a neckbelt on and wristbands, he hurried down and saw his grandpa wearing a suit, Solomon smiles' wanting to impress Yami?' Yugi blushes and nods, Solomon chuckles' your love reminds me of your grandmother and I's' Yugi smiles sadly and hugs his grandpa, Yugi never got to met his grandmother she died when Yugi was still in his mother's stomach, she had a weak heart and just couldn't hang on to this world and passed on, Yugi was born two weeks after her funeral. Solomon showed him pictures of her and told him stories of the two when they were younger, he was happy his grandpa had someone to love like he loved Yami. Solomon pats his grandson's back, pulls away and smiles' I'm alright my boy it doesn't hurt as much, I know she is always with me, now lets get going, we need to be there at seven' Yugi nods and they head out after locking the door, Solomon still drove just not as much since there was not much places to go in the small town of Domino, only time he would use it is to drive Yugi to college in the rain or snow. They got to the big mansion, Solomon was impressed at it, Yugi still thought it was beautiful, he rung the door bell Akhenamkhanen answered the door and smiles" hello Solomon, Yugi welcome, please come in Yami is just finishing getting ready, he actually cooked tonight so he is a little behind," Solomon signed what Akhenamkhanen said and Yugi nods, giggling he knew Yami could cook, he was really great at it they had some dates at the mansion and Yami would cook dinner. Yami came down the stairs in a red dress shirt, leather pants and neckbelt, and Ankh necklace he went to the three' hello Yugi, you look very handsome today' Yugi blushes and said thank you. He looked at Solomon" thank you for coming, I am very excited to tell you the big news that I have for Yugi and you Mr. Motou" Solomon chuckles" now Yami we talked about this call me Solomon or Grandpa everyone calls me one or the other" Yami chuckles" you are right, Solomon my apologize" Akhenamkhanen smiles" he was raised to be very polite so its not surprise he would be respectful to you Solomon" Solomon nods" of course, I just feel old when I am called Mr." " you and me both" the older Egyptian said and smiles. Everyone filed in the dining room where the food was set out, Yugi was amazed at all of it' you out done yourself this time Yami' he giggles, Yami chuckles' well this is a very special night as this news will change your life forever' Yugi looked confused, curious about this news, he pulled out Yugi's chair for him, he blushes and sits as Yami pushed it in. Solomon was so happy to see his grandson happy and being treated right, Yami at in front of Yugi beside his father and Solomon beside Yugi, they ate and had a nice conversation with Yami translating in sign language of what his dad asks Yugi and he would reply, it was nice to have a nice dinner, it made it like they were family, it has been awhile since Yami and Yugi had dinner like this. During dessert which was Yugi's favorite double chocolate cake Yami places a folder in front of the two, Solomon looks at it, Yugi did to and takes it, he opens it and gasps, eyes widen, tears instantly in his eyes and hand over his mouth, Solomon takes the folder out of Yugi's shaking hand and gasps to" Yami... Akhenamkhanen this..." Yami smiles and nods then signed as he talked so Yugi was in the conversation to" yep the operation that will help Yugi hear again, over the course of my college year when Yugi and I were not able to see one another cause of college work, I have been looking around to find a Otolaryngologist nearby that would do the surgery sadly I could only find one in Tokyo but it was a start, I contacted him and told about Yugi being born deaf, he said it would be no problem at all and that the therapy will take a few years till he got use to hearing and using the hearing aids but he knows someone here in Domino so we wouldn't had to worry about being in Tokyo for years for the therapy" Yugi didn't know what to say he was just so speechless, he would be able to hear after so many years, Solomon wanted Yugi to hear but he knew Yugi wouldn't want them to pay all that, Yugi looks at Yami after he calmed down a little and with shaky hands he signed' Yami... thank you so much but I feel bad that you are paying all the expense to the operation and the plane trip to Tokyo,' Yami smiles and shook his head' don't be Yugi, I have been researching and talked to my dad about it and he said it was a wonderful idea, its not a waste of money as we know this man will do it successfully, think of this as a summer vacation" he smiles softly. Yugi got up, went to Yami and hugged him still crying out of happiness, he kisses Yami's cheek showing that he appreciated this.

(A/N: sorry for it being short, I will make it up to you next chapter kisses to all you fellow Puzzleshippers <3 <3<3)

(A/N: sorry for it being short, I will make it up to you next chapter kisses to all you fellow Puzzleshippers <3 <3<3)

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