Chapter 1

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Amber's POV

Someone knocked on my door, I wonder who it is?

I mean, it is late, it's around 11 at night.

Who would come at this hour?

I started to get worried, but I still go up and opened the door.

After I opened the door, I immediately regretted what I did.

Jason McCann is standing right in front of me.

"Jason?" I was shocked.

"Amber." He stared into my eyes.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" I asked.

"I'm here because I miss you." He smirked.

What is he doing?

We broke up over a year ago.

Before I could say anything, I got pulled into a tight hug.

"Am, I've really missed you." He whispered in my ear.

I really want to push him away.

But I couldn't.

"Jason I..."

"Shh babe."

He let go of me and kissed me, my eyes widened in shock.

I tried to push him away, but he's too strong, so I decided not to kiss back.

"Kiss me babe." He whispered by pulling away a little.

I couldn't help it but kiss back.

Because it's him, he's Jason.

I can feel his smirk during the kiss.

"Come with me." He grabbed my wrist.

Ow. I frowned.

Those are my ....

"Am... Don't tell me that you started again." He frowned, looking worried.

"I-I didn't." I said, I didn't want him to know.

He pulled up my sleeve before I could stop him.

"Amber...." He saw my scars and some are new cuts, dammit.

I pulled my arm away, "it's nothing, don't worry about it."

"I thought you said you'd stop." I heard him sigh.

"I didn't promise anything." I said quietly.

Jason soon walked into my house and into my room, I didn't stop him, I wanted to see what he's doing.

He soon came out with blades in his hands, that's right, he knows where I keep them.

"I'll take care of these from now on."

"Why are you even here?" I asked.

"I'm here to kidnap you." He smirk.

Kidnap me?

My ex is gonna kidnap me.

How funny.

"Funny joke, you can leave now." I pointed to the door.

"I'm not joking." He walked towards me then carried me over his shoulder.

"Ah! Jason! Put me down."

"No way, I'm kidnapping you remember?" He laughed.

"Jason! It's not funny!" I yelled, "we're over, remember?"

I felt him tighten his fist.

"And now we're back together." He carried me outside and onto his car.

"Jason.. We.." I looked him, I couldn't finish my sentence, his eye darkened, meaning he's getting angry, so I immediately shut up.

"We are now back together. From now on, Amber, you are my girlfriend."


Hey guys! Hope you guys like this chapter! please comment what you think! it would mean so much! and dont forget to vote :) x

much love.

- Jess

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