Chapter 30

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's being a while since my whole "losing my memory" thing, and I still feel terrible about it, but Jason has got over it, at least I think so, but the bad thing is, he's being awfully quiet recently, I'm really worried, but he wouldn't tell me anything.

"Jason, just tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing! I already told you that nothing was wrong!" He talked, louder than usual, he ran his fingers through his hair, and sat himself down on the couch.

"I was just..."

"I'm sorry babe, it's just that nothing is getting better, and it seems like everything's just getting worse." Jason ran his fingers through his hair.

"Jase, it's okay, everything will get better eventually alright?" I said softly, patting his back.

He pulled me into a tight hug, "thanks for not leaving me, (y/n)."

"Leave you? After all this? Never, Jason, I would never leave you, I saw how you wouldn't let me go even if I brought more danger to your life, I wouldn't leave you, unless I'm a idiot, I love you too much." I hugged him back, tightly.

He chuckled softly, "I love you too, and all those things you said, made my day way better than usual."

"By the way, it's almost Christmas, be ready for that day, because it'll be the most amazing day ever." Jason smiled.


I couldn't be more excited, since Christmas is my favourite holiday, also Jason said that it'll be the most amazing day.

I woke up on Christmas and Jason wasn't beside me, I looked at the clock, it's almost 11, well, damn, I slept in, I went to the bathroom and took a shower, I dryed my hair and picked out something I reckon that's cute and put it on, it was a black dress, but with laces around the bottom.

I applied light make up onto my face and checked my phone, 12:04PM.

I sat on my bed, checking my phone every second, I was super impatient, I checked my phone again, 12:10PM.

It's being 6 minutes since I last checked the watch, I'm way too impatient.

It took another 5 minutes, until my phone started ringing, I checked the cellar ID and quickly picked up.

"Hey princess, you ready to go?" I smiled to the sound of his voice.

"Yes." I knew he couldn't see me, but I still nodded my head, my smile was bigger than ever, we haven't had being on a date for so long to be honest.

I hung up the phone and walked downstairs, when I opened the door, Jason was standing there with a bunch of flowers, "Merry Christmas baby, I'm taking you to see your present."

He opened the car door for me, I got in and he walked to the other side and got in, he took out a blindfold, "here." He said, trying to wrap it around my eyes.

"Really?" I chuckled, but I didn't stop him.

"Yes, trust me, you'll love your present." And with that, I heard the car starting, it was a pretty long drive if you ask me, but thankfully, Jason made the trip super fun, he would talk non stop, almost like, nothing bothers him anymore, just like when I first met him, he can be so childish sometimes.

I heard the sound of him parking the car and taking the keys out, "Jason can I take this off now?" I said, my hands reaching to the blindfold.

"No! Not yet!" He stopped me, he lead me out of the car and we walked for a bit, then he took my blindfold off.

I shut my eyes because of the sudden brightness, but soon opening them, because I think I saw a two storied house?

"Jason, what is, is this?" I said, my hands covering my mouth, in front of me was something I've wished for ever since I was little, a beach house, his car was parked on the beach, this was everything I wished for, I've only told him this the first time we met, he still remembers?

"(Y/n), merry Christmas, this, is our new home." He smiled big, tears were running down my cheeks, I couldn't thank him enough.

"Jason, I," I stuttered.

"I don't need much, all I want is you to saw yes to my next question." He said, looking into my eyes.

My heart stopped.

"Will you, (y/f/n), marry me?"



Much Love.

- Jess

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