Chapter 28

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(Y/n)'s POV

Life's being quite great lately, Jake's being taking over Jason's job and Jason kept his promise of saying that he wants to quit with whatever stuff he was dealing with.

I haven't heard from Will in a while so I guess he have stopped, for now.

The only thing I'm still worried is Sophia, I don't understand why she hated me so much, it can't be just because I have Jason, what if there's other things, she wanted me to die, that's what she told me over the phone.

"Babe," Jason walked over to the couch and hugged me, "what are you thinking?"

"What will happen in 10 years? Jase, where would we doing? What would we be doing?" I sighed, my future is dark, I didn't have anything planned.

"Well, I can see us still together, and love each other," Jason smiled, "Can you?"

I chuckled a little and nodded my head slightly.

"Jase," I started, "I got a new job." I smiled.

"Really? Where?" Jason sounded happy.

"Making coffees for this coffee shop," I sighed.

"What? That's good," Jason smiled, "you're good at making coffees."

I just smiled and shrugged.


Sophia's POV

I didn't want to call (y/n) and tell her I will kill her, I was forced, like you wouldn't do it when you have a gun right next to your head and the trigger will be pulled any second.

Joining Will was the worst mistake I've ever made, I didn't get what I want, but instead, I got forced into things I didn't want to do.

Like today, when (y/n) tries to cross the road, I need to push her, so she get ran over, I didn't want to, Will told me to!

He told me that nothing matters in this world, clear everything that blocks your path, even if it's your family.

(Y/n)'s there, just a little, it won't do anything right? Just a slight push.

She fell in front of car that's coming, I didn't know what happened next I just walked away, actually more like ran, I'm sorry (y/n), please forgive me, if you don't die, me and Jason will, I'm sorry.

I walked home with a hood on covering my face, I don't want to be seen.

"Good job." I heard Will's voice before I entered my house.

"Good job?" I looked up at him, "fucking hell Will! Do you know what I just did?!"

"There's always a first time." He laughed.

"Just shut the fuck up." I said, "that's it, I'm done, I'm not working for you anymore."

"What was that?" He smiled, pulling something out of his jacket.

I wasn't afraid this time, "go ahead Will, kill me then, it'd be a relief for me, I'll be thanking you in hell."

(Y/n)'s POV

"What the heck?" I sat up from the bed and looked around, my head is hurting like hell, I touched my head softly and felt an bandage around my head, what happened to me? Why am I here?

"(Y/n)!" A guy came through the door and hugged me tight, "I'm so happy you're alright!"

I pushed him off slightly, "um, who are you?"

"(Y/n)?" He backed up a little, "Jason! I'm Jason McCann!"

"(Y/n)!" 2 other guys came through the door, "are you alright?"

"You're Jack..." I said quietly, I held my head a little bit and but my lip softly, "and you're Chaz?"

"What the hell was that?!" Chaz said to the doctor.

"It's a common thing that happens to patients who have got hurt on the head, she's even lucky that not all her memories are lost and this could last for a while but also could last forever." The doctor said quietly.

"Can we do anything to help at least?!" Jason yelled.

"Just calm down, and taking her to place she know well might be able to help her remember things faster, but never put too much pressure on her or it will make everything more difficult for her."

"I've lost memories?" I said softly, "Chaz..." I grabbed his arm, "Chaz, help me."

"It's okay (y/n), I'm here." He patted my back.

"Look at me!" Jason turned me to look at him, "you remember me right? I'm Jason! Your boyfriend!"

"Jason...? My.. Boyfriend?" I touched my head softly, "I'm sorry, I can't remember a Jason..."





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