Chapter 15 (Not Edited Pass This Point)

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(Y/n)'s POV

Why did I even trust him again, the imagine of Sophia right next to Jason appeared in my head again.

I stopped when I heard my name being called out by Jake.

My eyes are red from crying and running in the wind, I felt my head getting dizzy and the next thing I know is that everything went black and someone caught me before I fell backward, I wish it's Jason but it's Jake.

I woke up to some unfamiliar room, I sat up, my head is still hurting.

That's when Jake walked into the room, "you scared me, why didn't you tell me you were sick?!"

"I'm sorry, I knew that Jack wouldn't let me go to LA if I was sick, I wanted to see Jason, but I didn't want to see Sophia being there with him." I held in my tears and bit my lip, trying not to think about it.

"I know what he did was not a smart move but he have been here with you the whole time and the only thing he was was sorry, he only left not long ago, he needed rest." Jake took a seat.

"I need time to think, because it's not like this is the first time he's done this." I said, my heart hurt as it have being torn apart.

I breathed deeply, "Jake, I want to go home, I don't want to see him anymore."

"Please, at least just meet him first, you might change your mind." Jake sounded like he was begging me.

And that's when Jason walked through the door, "hey Jake, how is she?" But as soon as he saw me, he ran up to me and hugged me, "thank god you're okay."

I smiled softly, but remembering what happened before my smile soon disappeared, I watched as Jake exited the room quickly.

Jason quickly let go of me, "baby, are you okay?"

"I...I'm fine.." My voice was shaking even though I tried not to make it sound like I'm going to cry.

"I'm so sorry, for what you saw before, I --" I cut him off.

"Don't bother," I said, "I don't want to know."

Jason's POV

She sound so disappointed, but I have to tell her that, I love her, nothing will be the same without her.

I need her in my life.

But she sound like she give up.

"(Y/n)!" I quickly said.

"Look Jason," she started softly, "I gave you a chance, I trusted you fully, even after what you did to me before, how can you do that to me again? I trusted you, Jason, we're done, really, I don't want to be hurt anymore, I've been hurt too much, and that's all I could take." She coughed, "I'm sorry Jason, but I think we're done."

"(Y/n)! Please don't leave me!" I hugged her tightly, "I really want to be with you, please!"

"I'm sorry Jason.." She pushed me away softly.

"You probably just need time, I'll give you time, just please think about this whole thing." I slowly walked out the door, she just need time, she won't leave me right?

It was just a mistake.


So sorry with the short chapter! Guys, my crush is such a cutie like omg! ahah vote or comment if you liked this chapter!

Much Love.

- Jess

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