Chapter 2

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Amber's POV

What have possibly gotten to him?

He can't just randomly come to my house in the middle of the night and say we're back together?!

He carried me into his house and dropped me on the couch.

"Ow." I whimpered.

"Sorry babe, it's just that it got me really angry when you said we're not together."

He sat beside me, running his fingers through his hair.

"But the truth is we're not, we haven't even seen each other in a year."

"Look, I'm so sorry for what I did before." He looked at me.

"We have all moved on haven't we?" I pulled a weak smile.

"No Amber!" He suddenly hugged me tight, "you're mine baby, no one else can have you."

"Jason....." I didn't know what to say.

Does he mean it?

I really don't know.

"I'm tired..." I said, wanting to get out of this awkward moment.

I think I'm wrong.

He smirked and picked me up and walked upstairs into his bedroom.

He dropped me onto his huge bed.

Jason's POV

When she said that we moved on, it broke my heart, I haven't.

And she can't move on.

She's mine.

I dropped her on the bed.


She look scared?

She have tears in her eyes.

That's right, we're not dating anymore..

I sat down next to her.

"Sorry Am.. I didn't mean to sca--"

"It's okay." She quickly said, "show me my room now?"

"From today, you're sleeping where I'm sleeping." I smirked.

Amber's POV

Is he crazy?

Not he say we're together, and I have to sleep where he sleeps?

He took his top off and laid down in his bed and patted the spot next to him.

I gave him a weird look and laid down on the edge of the bed.

But soon I got pulled into his arms, my face was right in front of his bare chest.

"That's better." He smirked.

I can feel him breathing over my head.

I'm so close to his chest that I could almost hear his heart beat.

This is how we use to sleep I guess.

That's before 'that thing' happened, of course.

I don't want to mention it.

Oh no!

I'm blushing!

I shouldn't be blushing!

I know I shouldn't have feelings for him anymore, but I couldn't help it.

He is one of those people who I just love and can never forget.


Hiiiiiiii! I saw some people have left me some comments that were really sweet! Those comments mean so much to me! So thankyou beautifuls! ily!

Much love.

- Jess

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