Chapter 5

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Amber's POV

"I never thought I'd see you again." Sophia teased, "especially here."

"...." I looked down, didn't know what to say.

"Why are you even here?" She asked.

"Why can't I be?" I looked up at her.

"You shouldn't be! You guys broke up almost a year ago!"

"Well who said we can't be back together?" I said and smiled, wanting to see her reaction.

"What?! You guys can't--" she was shocked.

"Can't be back together? Why not? I mean we can get back together whenever we want." I kept smiling.

Before she could say anything, I started to walk away, "bye, Sophia." I smiled.

"Shit, I'm so late! Jack is gonna hate me for this!" I thought to myself as I ran towards the park.


I finally reached there then I saw Jack sitting on a park bench, scrolling through his phone.

Jack, he is my best friend, he have the best personality, he is really cute and sweet, most of all he helped me when Jason broke up with me.

"Jack!" I yelled and ran to him.

He stood there with his arms open so I hugged him.

"I've missed you." I said still hugging him, I haven't seen him in like a week because we both had stuff to do, we use to see each other at least once everyday.

But I don't think that's gonna happen now with Jason around me, he gets jealous really easily, even if we're not dating.

"Can I stay over tonight?" I asked.

"Sure." He smiled, he never say no to me.

"Let's go! Did you get new movies?" I chuckled.

"Loads horror ones." He smirked.

I love horror films but I also get scared really easily, I pulled out my phone and text Jason, yes, I still have his number in my phone.

"Hey Jason, I'm not coming back tonight, see you tomorrow."

Soon enough, he replied.


"A friend's house." And I turned my phone off, he's probably with Sophia right now anyways.


Jason's POV

Right after Amber left, Sophia walked in.

"Are you guys back together?" She raised her eyebrow.

"What made you say that?" I didn't even look at her, she's the reason Amber left me and after that she wouldn't stop be around me, it's annoying.

"Amber just said.... Oh she's lying aren't she? That little bitch!" She said holding her arms.

"What did you call her?" I raised my eyebrow, nobody calls Amber that. Ever.

My eyes started to get darkened.

"Um..." She moved back a little, she seems scared.

"Don't you ever call her that, got it?" I said, then I stood up and walked towards my room.

"Jason! Where are you going?"

"My room and that's right, you can leave now." I gave her a smile.

"It's not like Amber's gonna come back tonight." She mentioned Amber which caught my attention.

"I know, she's staying at her friends." I simply said.

"Sure, a friend, more like a boyfriend." She chuckled, "so far I know is a guy named Jack, they're really close."

I tightened my fist, "Sophia. You can leave now."

As soon as she left, I punched the wall, no, (y/n) does not have a boyfriend.

She can only be mine.


Sorry that u haven't been updating! School is too much OMG! But anyways hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll try and update as much as I can! But please vote and comment! :) xo
Much love.

- Jess

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