Chapter 18

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(Y/n)'s POV

"What if someone you know is like...." I paused for a while, "you know, related to him?"

He stayed silence, "Why?" he finally spoke.

"I was curious, don't worry." I smiled.

Then I heard him sigh, "thank god (y/n), don't scare me like that."

"Mm." I said then bit my lip, how can I explain all the to him?

He'd hate me for sure!

He cannot know this, but I don't want to hide anything from him!

"(Y/n)?" Jason chuckled, "what are you thinking?"

Jason's POV

When (y/n) asked me that question, I almost had a heart attack, it was almost like that she's related to him or something.

Even if she is, I'd just have to try and accept the fact, I can't let her go, she's too important to me.

(Y/n) stayed silent after my answer, some how something's giving me a feeling that she's related to Will.

Hopefully she's not.


(Y/n)'s POV

It's been 3 months, I haven't seen Sophia which is good.

Jason is on a mission today so I guess it's just me.

I quickly got dressed and drove to the mall, I shop when I'm bored.


I smiled and looked at the bag full of clothes, what a great day.

But everything just had to change.

A man dressed in black stopped me, "are you (y/f/n)?"

"Um, do I know you?" I said.

"Someone wants to see you."

Before I could reply I got dragged into a car and they drove to a place that I've never been before.

"We're here." The guy in black opened the door for me.

Why am I not scared?

Well maybe because I have feeling that it's gonna be Will, or should I say 'dad'.

I got off the car, "so, why am I here?"

"Walk straight in and the first door on you left." He said.

I soon found the room then knocked.

"Come in." A deep voice caught my attention.

I opened the door and saw a man's back facing me.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

He turned around, looked at me, "you look just like your mother."

"And you are?"

"I guess James already told you by accident," he coughed, "I'm Will, your real father."

"Oh." I didn't react much, I knew he's Will.

"Heard you're dating Jason?" He laughed.

"What's so funny?" I frowned.

"You know that he hates me?"

"And how is that my problem?"

"You're my daughter."

"I rather say that I don't have a father."

He frowned, "so, where Marilyn?"

"Oh you didn't hear?" I looked down, "she's..... dead."


I am so so sorry for the late update! There's just a lot of thing that have been keeping me away from writing, I apologise for that AND THE BIGGEST NEWS, JUSTIN FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER ON THE 29/05/14, IT IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!
Anyway, vote or comment if you like this chapter, next week, I have my job interview so I'd probably be super busy!
Much love.
- Jess

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