Chapter 14

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Amber's POV

"I'm taking you too meet Jason! Surprise!" Jake said.

"What? Seriously?!" I squealed then hugged him.

"Yes! As you may know, it's Jason's birthday in 3 days." Jake said hugging me back.

"I was just thinking what present to get him!"

"We'll now you don't have to think about it anymore! The best present to him is for you to be there!" He laughed.

~ A day later ~

Jason's POV

It's a month, I still can't go back, I've already achieve everything I have to, why can't I go back?

I want to celebrate my birthday with Amber, she's the only girl on my mind right now.

"Jase?" Sophia walked down from upstairs.

"Yeah." I replied.

Yes, she have to live at my house, but it doesn't mean that anything is gonna happen between us.

"What are you doing up so early?" She yawned and sat next to me.

"I just can't sleep."

"Is it about Amber?" She asked.

I coughed, "yeah."

"Jason, tell me the reason why you can't forget her, I was with you the while time after she left."

"I don't know, I just can't, and we're dating now so I better treat my girl right." I smiled, just by thinking about the fact that Amber is mine.

"Well you can always forget about her since she's not with you right now." She said, getting closer to me, putting her hand on the top of my hand.

"JASE!" I heard the door opening, Amber was standing there with Jake.

Her smile soon disappeared, no, this is way she left me last time.

Amber's POV

Me and Jake finally got to LA and we're now standing in front Jason's house.

I opened the door and yelled, "JASE!" I cannot wait til I get to see him.

But what I saw have brought back all the memories.

Last time when I walked in, Sophia was in his arms, and looked at them now, still like this.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted him, he'll just hurt me even more, why would I even trust him in the first place.

"(Am! I-" Jason stood up.

"Don't bother explaining." I walked back.

"But Amber, it's not what -"

"Just shut up okay?" I yelled, "I never should've trusted you!" Tears are rolling down my face.

Jason walked to me then grabbed my wrist, "let me explain, please." he pulled me into a hug.

I used all my energy and pushed him and ran out the door.

"I'm disappointed bro." Jake shook his head and tried to catch up to me.


Sorry for the late update, but I'm actually so sick today.. I even took the day off school, but no school yay lol, but anyway, please vote and comment, it would make my day better ahah.

Much Love.

- Jess

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