Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Oh you didn't hear?" I looked down, "she's..... dead."

He stood in silence, "why?"

"I thought you'd know," I looked up at him, "ask James."

"James? Why? What do you mean?"

"Why don't you ask him?" I folded my arms, "can I leave now?"

"Why do you want to leave? Don't you want to spend more time with your father?" He laughed.

"Why would I? I have my own life."

"And what would your life be like without Jason?" He put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I tell you that Jason have been shot, and maybe he'll never wake up?"

"He's not." I tightened my teeth, and all the bad thought came into my mind.

"Fine, if you don't believe me then go."

"Why are you doing this to me?! I'm your daughter!"

"Because," he breathed out a puff of smoke, "I basically used my life making the crew and getting it big, and I'm not gonna give it all up to that McCann kid."

"Aren't family more important to you?"

"What family? Everyone left me ages ago, now there's just you, who is now dating Jason McCann."

"You're worse than I imagined." I frowned then opened the door to go.

"You won't understand." I heard him say as I walked away.

"Come on, now drive me home." I looked at the guy in black who brought me here.

"He gave me permission, just do it!" I said.


"Here." He stopped the car at my driveway.

I didn't say anything and I just walked off the car and unlocked the door.

I locked the door behind me and walked straight to my room and dug my face into a pillow, what the hell was that, he's not my father, he's so heartless.

Soon I drifted to sleep, and when I wake up I checked the time, it was 4am.

I sat up and realised that there's a blanket over me.

I walked out of my room and saw the light turned on from downstairs, is it Jason?

"Are you sure?" It was Jason.

"Right, thanks man." He hung up the phone then I heard a sigh as he sat on the couch.

"Jason?" I said quietly.

He turned around and smiled, "sorry babe, did I wake you?"

I walked to him and he pulled me onto his lap as I slowly shook my head.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked as I dug my face into his neck.

"Nothing.." I said quietly.

"Sure?" He hugged me tight.

"Yeah, I just had a bad nightmare." I lied, I didn't want him to know what happened today, but he's gonna figure it out sooner or later, he's Jason.

"Aw baby, come on, let's get you more sleep, you look tired." He picked me up and carried me upstairs.

He placed me on my bed and laid down next to me, he put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Goodnight princess, I love you." He whispered in my ear, I smiled softly then soon went to sleep.


I woke up in the morning finding Jason still asleep next to me.

His phone that was placed on the bedside table vibrated so I reached over to see what it was.

It was a text, from.... Sophia...?


So sorry that I haven't been updating, and btw guys I got the job omfg yayyyyy but that means less time to update hope you guys understand, thank you for understanding. Btw if you like this fanfic, you're gonna like my new fanfic I need you, please check it out.

Much love.

- Jess

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