Chapter 12

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Amber's POV

"You guys are dating? What?" Jack asked, I looked down, does that count as dating?

"Yes, we are." Jason said smiling.

We all stayed in silence.

Until someone walked in, interrupting the silence.

"HELLO, I AM HERE!" Chaz came rushing through the door.

"AMBER YOU'RE HERE HI!" Then he looked at Jason, "and Jason? Didn't know that I'd see you here."

"Chaz.. Long time no see." Jason smiled.

"Tryin' to get back with Am?" Chaz chuckled.

"Guys, I have to go back now, see you all soon." I smiled, walking past Chaz and Jason.


When I got home, he's not home anymore, and by he, I mean my old 'dad'.

That's good, I don't want to see him at the moment, I went to Jack then Jason came along.

Now I just want to be left alone.

Then I heard my door knock, please don't let this be Jason.

"Amber... open the door." It's Jason, dammit.

I stayed silent and curled into a ball in the corner of my couch.

"Amber!!" Jason yelled from outside the door.

I had no choice but to open it, as soon as I did, I got pulled into a hug.

"What's wrong Amber? You gotta tell me." He patted my back, yes, this is the Jason I know!

He let go of me and I was still looking down, he lifted my chin up with his fingers.

He leaned in, "Amber..." he said quietly, I could feel his hot breathe on my lips.

I closed my eyes then leaned in, soon I felt his soft lips on mine, and his tongue in my mouth, exploring.

I slowly pulled away, "Jason, I..."

"Shh Am, you have never answered my question, will you be my girlfriend?"

I nodded my head, "yes Jason, of course I will!"

Jason's POV

Fuck, why is it after I finally got back with Amber, something have to be up in the crew.

"Look, I'm not leaving her to go to LA." I said.

"Don't be so selfish Jason." Jake said, he's in the crew.

"I'm not being selfish, it's just that... I'm scared if I leave her again, she'll start cutting." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek, I hate to say, it have only gotten worse and she have not told me what actually happened.

"Jason..." Jake looked down, "I understand but you gotta leave, she might even be in danger, do you want her to be in danger?"

Amber to be in danger?! No! I want her to be safe and that's it.

"Fine, I'll tell her soon." I leaned back on the chair, thinking about how she'll react if I tell her.

"You're leaving in about a week so you better tell her soon."

"I will."


"Hey Amber... We've gotta talk." I said.


"I know that I haven't fully gained your trust back, but I got to leave to LA for the crew, I know that you hate long distance relationships but it will only be around 2 months! I promise I'll be back before you know it..." I slowly stopped talking as tears formed in Amber's eyes, "babe, don't cry, I promise you everything will be fine." I pulled her into my arms until she stopped crying.

"Sure Jason, I'll be fine, I trust you, fully, I'm sure that I won't regret my decision of trusting you, I love you." She hid her face into my chest and we cuddled for the whole time and soon fell asleep.

The day finally came where I have to leave.

I really don't want to leave my baby, but I have no choice.

"Bye Jase, be back soon and I love you." She said, hugging me tight.

I put my chin on her head and hugged her back, "I'll be back before you know it babe, I promise."

"Don't let me down Jase, I love you." She finished her sentence and before I could say anything, I heard a voice that I know Amber would hate.

We both looked in the same direction and we saw Sophia standing there.

Wait, why does she have a luggage with her.

Don't tell me that....


hiiii guys! long chapter! yay! I'll try and make sure that all chapters I later on post will be like this, but hey, no promises! thankyou for 3k reads guys! I really appreciate this!

Much love.

- Jess

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