Chapter 3

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Jason's POV

I have missed her.

A lot more than I think.

I woke up with Amber in my arms.

I still love her, she still loves me right?

Only if I never made that mistake.

~flashback ~

"Am...." I whispered her name while hugging Sophia, thinking it was Amber.

I was drunk.

It's an accident.

I couldn't help it, Sophia have told me that Amber's breaking up with me, and right after, Amber said that she's going to LA.

I had to believe her, they're best friends?

I can't help but think that she's actually braking up with me.

I couldn't live without her.

I don't know why she leaving me.

I've been drinking everyday after that, I'm basically drunk everyday.

I didn't think she was gonna come back.

Then I heard the door open, then the sound of bags dropping on the ground.

I opened my eyes and sat up.

Then I saw her, the love of my life, the girl who broke up with me and left me heart broken, then who's in my arms?

She's coming back?

"Amber....?" I asked.

I watched her as she walked towards me and then a sound of a slap hit me.

She slapped Sophia the face, "you stole my boyfriend." Sophia covered her face in shocked.

"McCann, we're really done this time." She looked at me with tears filling her eyes.

"Amber! I can explain!" I stood up and grabbed her wrist.

She pulled her arm away, "don't touch me."

I hugged her tight, "please, don't leave me." She's my everything.

"It's too late McCann." She bit her lip and I see tears rolling down her cheeks.

"We're done." She pushed me away.

I watched her as she walk out of the house.

And we haven't seen each other ever since.

After that I left to go to LA for the crew and as soon as I came back, I went to her house to find her.

~ flashback ends ~

I still remember she use to cut but I helped her to stop.

Why did she start again, is it me or her dad?

Her dad, I hate that man's guts.

How can he be so mean to Amber?

I wish that I could kill him, I remember when I first met Amber, she's gorgeous but was covered in bruises and cuts, but that didn't stop me from falling in love with her.

I helped her through her toughest times.

She is my everything, I can't live without her.

I'm getting her back no matter what.


Hiii! sorry I havent been updating but I hope you guys like this story so far! Please leave a comment and vote! It would mean so much to me! I love you all beautifuls!

Much love.

- Jess

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