Chapter 11

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((before you guys read this, I know this chapter is really short but I'm managing to make them longer please understand <3))

No. Not the Sophia that I know.

Please don't be her.

"Is Sophia your daughter?" I bit my lip and woke him up.

"Yes.. Sophia Jays.. she took her mother's last name.. I couldn't look after her, I was with Marilyn.. That's when she had Amber.. I treated her so bad... I don't mean it... I-I.." Soon he fell asleep again, he's way to drunk, so basically my mother, Marilyn still married James, who's laying on my couch right now, even though that she knew he got another woman pregnant.

I don't know how to feel right now, I just feel like crying.

Out of everyone, why does it have to be Sophia.

So basically she's my 'step sister'?

I walked out of the house, I don't want to be in the same room as him.

The person who I have been calling my father for ages and he's actually not.

I don't know where to go, I mean I don't want to go back to Jason.



"Jack?" I knocked on the door, it's really late at night.

"Amber? What are you doing here?" He asked.

I hugged him and just stayed silent, soon I felt that his shirt is getting wet from my tears.

He soon hugged me back, patting my back softly so I could get my breathe back.

"What's wrong?" He lifted my chin up then wiped away my tears.

"Come in first." He pulled me inside the house.


I told him everything.

"Amber, it won't be that bad, at least you got to know the truth.." He hugged me.

"But Sophia! I hate her! S-she.."

"Shh, I know what she did, just don't think about that." Jack said, still hugging me.

"Thank you. For everything." I whispered, with my face buried in his chest.

"You silly, you don't have to thank me for anything." He smiled.

Soon I fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up in the morning of the sound of shouting and glass breaking on the ground.

"Get out, this is none of your business." Jack said calmly.

"Yes it is! My girlfriend is possibly in your room right now and you say that this is none of my business?!"

Wait, this is Jason?

How does he know Jack's place?

Sophia. It must be.


I know, I know, shortest chapter in the history! But I will also update chapter 12 soon so don't worry guys!

Much love.


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