Chapter 26

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Jason's POV

"What? Jake, hold up, I'll be there in 5." I said as I hung up the phone.


"What did she do? I mean, what can she do?" I sat down on the couch at Jake's house.

"Well, she couldn't do anything before, but that's before she joined Will." Jake sighed, "Look at her now, she's changed so much, I don't even know what Will said to her to make her to all those stuff for him."

"But didn't he want to talk to you?" I asked.

"Well, I'm pretty sure he's meaning you."

"Then tell him that it's fine, I'll see him."

"Jason, are you sure? It's pretty dangerous..."

"Jake, name one thing that I've done that isn't dangerous."

"True, but what about (y/n)? wouldn't she be..."

"In danger? I know that." I breathed out, I can't face the fact that she'll be in danger but I have no choice, I want to end all of this.


I breathed deeply then knocked on the door.

The door opened, showing up 2 guys in black and Will, who's sitting in front of a table with a cup of coffee in front of him.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Jason, take a seat first, why don't you." He took a sip out of the cup.

I sat down in the chair in front of him, "okay, what do you want?"

"Oh Jason, it's not what I want, it's what she want." Will put the cup down on the table, "come on in."

Sophia walked into the room, she looks like a completely different person.

"Break up with her." Sophia smirked, "and be with me."

"I guess I can't do that, Sophia," I chuckled, teasingly, "I'm not betraying my heart this time."

"Really Jason?" Sophia said, "then I guess you'll never see her again, ever?" She pulled a gun out.

"You're killing me for this? Pathetic." I smiled at her action, "go ahead, if that's what you wish for."

"Shut up Jason! You know I can't do this!" Sophia dropped her gun, "why won't you love me?! In what part is she better than me? I don't understand!"

"I love her because she's (y/n)." I smiled to the thought of her, "she's all I need."

"Leave Jason! Just get out!" Sophia yelled and pointed to the door, "Just keep in mind Jason, this isn't over."

I walked out the door, safely.


(Y/n)'s POV

Is he okay?

He'll be back soon.

He's safe.

I kept thinking that rapidly in my head.

He's still alive.

He's not going to be in danger.

I shot up from my bed after I heard the door knock.

It's Jason. It's him. He's back. Safe and sound.

I ran downstairs to open the door, as soon as I saw the person, I hugged him tight.

"It's okay (y/n)." Jason said, his voice was rusty, "see, I promised you that I'll be fine."

"And I don't break promises." He smiled widely while resting his chin on the top of my head.

"I know that, Jason." I smiled, my face was leaning on his chest, so close that I can hear his heartbeat properly.


We walked over to the couch and sat down.

"So what did he want?" I asked carefully, not knowing if he would tell me.

"He didn't want anything," Jason sighed, "But Sophia did."

"Sophia?" My eyes showing fears, "what did she want?"

"She wants," Jason paused for a little, "me."

I stayed silent for a little, "and what did you say?" I pulled a fake smile, so Jason wouldn't be worried.

Jason looked at me and smiled, "I said, no, I already have you, and I love you, and nothing's gonna change that." He tightened his grip of his hand that's around my shoulder.

I hugged him tighter, my legs are over his lap and I was kissing him softly.

I pulled away, "I love you Jason, and nothing will ever change that."


I actually never understood why Jason and Will hate each other so much that they're willing to do almost everything to kill each other.

Jason went over to Jake's to discuss something about the crew.

I haven't seen or even heard from Jack or Chaz for so long now, I don't know how they're doing, or what they're doing.

I looked through my contacts on my phone, I stopped scrolling when I saw the name Chaz and tapped on his name. I then just stared at the number,not knowing if I should even call him.

After minutes passing by, I decided to call him, I tapped on the number, after a few ring, it went to voice mail.

"Hey, you're calling Chaz's phone, and I'm currently busy right now, leave your message after the beep."

"Hey, Chaz, I'm just calling to see how you and Jack are doing, I haven't heard from you guys for ages and I miss you two, call back when you hear this, okay?" I said to the phone and then hung up.

I kind of want my old life back, even if Jason didn't come back for me, I probably wouldn't be as stressed and depressed, but he brought me happiness that no one have ever given me before, I love him.

I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes, I wanted rest, I've being so tired recently, I kept on having dreams about Jason leaving me, and I'm just sitting all by myself and no one was with me because I have no one.

That is kind of the truth though, I don't have anything part from Jason.

My hand reached out to my phone that's on the table when I heard the vibration.

I looked at my phone, it was a text message from a familiar number,

"Hey (y/n), Sophia here, did you want your Jason back? He's being with me the whole time and won't go away."

I laughed, how stupid is she? Jason's with Jake.

My smile froze for a little and I whispered, "he is, right?"


Heyyyyy guyssss, sorry for the late update, did anyone miss me haha comment if you have lol (gets no comment). I've been really busy and tired the past time so I apologize for the late update, I hope you guys understand.

Much love.

- Jess

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