Chapter 21

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Jason's POV

When she said she trust me, she actually mean it right, she needs to know that nothing can come between me and her.

I will love her through everything, and she needs to know that.

I checked Sophia message before, she said she have something import about (y/n) that she wanted to tell me.

So here I am, sitting here and waiting for her, I only came here because it's something about (y/n).

"Hey," Sophia finally got here and took a seat across from me, "sorry I was late."

"Just tell me what you're going to say." I looked at her impatiently.

"Well," she frowned, "aren't you at least gonna ask me how my life was after you left me alone in LA."

"Just tell me what you're going to say." I frowned.

"Alright," she leaned back on her chair, "your girlfriend have a huge secret that she's hiding from you."

"And?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Aren't you suppose to be so interested in this secret?" Sophia looked down at her nails.

"Mm." I mumbled.

"Well, Will's her dad, easy." She chuckled.

"Will?" I frowned, how could she not tell me this?!

Sophia nodded her head.

"No way," I stood up from my seat, "that's pathetic."

"Fine, ask her if you don't believe me." She still seemed calm.

"Well how did you know about this?" I said before I walked to the door.

"Because," she smiled, "I saw her with him, and of course, I overheard their whole conversation."

"Again," her sentence caught my attention, "why were you there?"

"Because, I work for them now."

"What?" I smiled, but in a teasing way, "betraying aye? Typical."

"I'm not betraying," she folded her arms, "don't you get it Jason?! I did all this for you and when I finally figure out that you will never love me back, I have to move on, now I'm living the life I want."

"Good to hear," I said, "then I guess this might be last time I see you."

I walked out of the coffee shop then hopped into my car.

My fist hit the steering wheel as soon I entered the car, argh, (y/n) is actually related to Will, that's what she wanted to ask right.

"No, I gotta find out the truth first." I said, trying to keep calm.


(Y/n)'s POV

"Bye Chaz, see you soon and tell Jack I said hi." I hugged Chaz and hopped off his car, I walked into my house after Chaz drove off.

I unlocked the door, finding Jason sitting on the couch.

He looked, lonely, sad, all at the same time.

He turned his head and smiled at me, "hey, you're home." His voice sounded weak.

"Are, are you okay?" I sat down next to him.

"(Y/n), if I ask you a question, you'd tell me the truth right?" He looked at me into the eyes.

"O-of course." I stuttered, I'm scared if he have already found out.

"It's about Will." He said slowly.

My heart dropped to the bottom, should I tell him the truth?


I didn't make you guys wait that long this time, but I'm not sure when the next few chapters will be updated, please be patient.

Please vote and comment if you like this chapter!

Much love.

- Jess

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