Chapter 29

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(Y/n)'s POV

I get to get out of the hospital today, Jason haven't visited me after that.

"(Y/n), let's go." Chaz walked through the door.

"Alright." I smiled, as we walked out the door, I saw Jason leaning against the wall.

"Hey." He smiled, he was wearing a black leather jacket, dark blue jeans and with a beanie on his head.

"Uh, hey." I said, it was awkward, since he's my 'boyfriend', "why are you here?"

"To pick you up, duh."

"No, Chaz is.." He cut me off before I could finish the sentence.

"No, he's not, I'm getting you home, our home." He smirked.

Before I could say anything, he took hold of my hand and walked outside to his car.

He let me in the car then buckled my seatbelt, "why are you even mad at me for?"

"Because, you can't just tell me that you're my boyfriend then don't even visit me, but when I get out, you're taking me 'home' and I don't even know where that is."

"I'm sorry." He said quietly, buckling his seatbelt, "I'm sorry, I wanted to do something to help you remember me, I need you in my life, just a few weeks ago, you were sitting on my lap, talking about our future, and now you can't even remember who I am."

Now I really can't tell him my secret.


"Come here." Jason dragged me to a room upstairs.

"What is it?" I said quietly.

He opened my bedroom door, pictures on strings are hanging from the roof, it was pictures of us, he was trying to help me get my memory back.

"Jason, I want to tell you something.." I said, I feel terrible, I never should've lied to him in the first place.

"No need, I already know." He smiled, "the doctor told me, he said you got rechecked and nothing was wrong, so I already knew you were lying."

"Why didn't you ask?" I was shocked, the truth is, I never lost my memory, I just don't want to be with Jason, after this, I know that I'll bring danger to Jason, anything could happen to him, it would be the best for the both of us if we could just forget the past.

I thought Jason already let it go when he stopped visiting me, I remember that when he didn't visit for a week, I cried for ages.

"I wanted to, I stopped visiting you and came home and just thought about everything, I know who did this, (y/n), and I know why you tell everyone that you lost your memory," Jason still have a smile on his face, "honestly, I did have a moment of thinking just let you go, but then I'll be worthless, I just, I just love you so much."

"I didn't know what I was thinking," I sobbed, "I'm so sorry Jason, and thank you for never wanting to give up this relationship, because honestly I wouldn't know what else to do if you're not with me, I'm sorry, I love you so much."

Jason hugged me tighly, "It's okay, everything's just a mess right now, we'll get through it, I promise you, we'll be fine."

"What about Sophia?"

"She left." He let go of me, "She moved, to get a rest from everything I guess, but she'll be okay."

I smiled, widely.

"I sorted everything, you just need rest right now, don't worry about anything," he smiled, "I've got it."

"Thank you." I said, "Jason.."

"Yeah babe?"

I shook my head, "nothing." 



Much love.

- Jess

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