Chapter 9

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Sophia's POV

Throughout the day I just kept on calling Jason, but his phone is shut down.

Where could he be?!

He's with that bitch Amber, that's all I know.

She was my best friend, but Jason means more to me!

I did everything I could to make Jason mine and there's absolutely no way that she's gonna take him back.

He is mine.

Amber's POV

I can't believe it, me and Jason are together again.

Amber! Are you stupid?! You could've just shook your head instead of being silent!

Great, now you're gonna get hurt again.
But just enjoy the moment while I'm actually with him right?

Because I'm actually happy with him.
A lot happier than when I'm with anybody else.

"Amber!" Jason's voice got me out of my thoughts.

I turned my head to look at him.

"Stop cutting, there's so many people in the world that loves you, do it for them, and me, I love you so much." He looked into my eyes, "more than you'll ever know."

I hugged him tight, "I love you too, you have no idea how much I missed you throughout the year."

"Amber..." He sighed, "why didn't you call me..?"

"Sophia... I thought you've always liked her more than you liked me, I --" I got cut off by him.

"Shh Am! No way, you're my favourite person in the world, I hope you remember that." He said softly.

Which absolutely melt my heart, I haven't heard that from anyone since we broke up.

"Can we go now?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm tired.."

"Sure." He stood up and he picked me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled and squealed a little.

"Getting you to my car, what else would I be doing?" He laughed as he walked towards his car.

He soon drove back to his house and opened the door.


"Look, I got to go, something's up in the crew." He said tiredly.

"Just be careful okay?" I hugged him again, then he left.

I sat on his bed, watching movies and soon fell asleep.

Then I woke up to the door opening, it must be Jason.

"Jason?" I heard a voice said.


Sounds like Sophia?!

She have the keys to this house?!

I walked out of the bedroom, "he's not home, why are you here at this hour?" I frowned.

"Amber?! What are you doing here?!" She said.

"I live here now." I smiled.

"You mean.. You and Jason are back together?!" Her eyes widened in shock, "actually, you can't fool me this time."

"She's not joking, we're together." I heard Jason's voice.


SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO UPDATE OMG! But I was busy with my other fanfic and school work! Ugh! But I hope you guys understand if I don't update as much! :) anyway vote or comment if you like this chapter!
Much love.
- Jess

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