Chapter 17

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(Y/n)'s POV

I just looked at him, looked back down and bit my lip, I'm not going to be that stupid this time, I'm not gonna believe him.

I'm not going to make the same mistake as last time.

"Dear passengers, please put on and fasten your seat belt, the plane from Los Angeles to North Carolina is going to go now." The speaker said.

I fastened my seat belt, and looked at Jason, who's kind of struggling with the seat belt, usually I'd help him, but this time....

But my body didn't listen to my mind, I leaned over to him and help him, I chuckled, he's such a idoit.

"You're such an idoit." I chuckled.

Jason scratched the back of his head, "I never knew how to work this thing, I...I usually use my private jet." He said.

I shook my head and laughed at him.

"What would I do without you (y/n)?" He mumbled but I still heard him.

My face turned red, come on (y/n)! He have hurt you so bad! Are you just forgive him like that?

If I move to somewhere new, would it be easier for everyone?

Sophia will be happy.

Jason would probably move on.

Jack and Chaz probably would start talking again.

Happy ending for everyone, wouldn't it?

Then I realised that I've said it out loud, it wasn't loud, but loud enough for Jason to hear me, because he was looking at me with a shock face.

"(y/n)!" He held my hand, "you cannot move away from me! You have to stay with me!" He looked at worried.

"Don't worry, I was just thinking." I smiled.

"You can't even think about it! No matter where you go, I'll always follow you, because you're mine."

"You know you can't do that." I lowered my head and folded my arms, "you know what situation you're in."

"But for you I would." He smiled at me, "because you're my everything."

His smile kills.


"Hey (y/n), aren't you gonna wait for your boyfriend?" He caught up to me and grabbing the luggage I had in my hands and he put his arm around my waist.

"I thought it told you that you're not my boy-" I got cut off by warm lips on mine, dayum, I miss those so much.

Soon he pulled away, "what was that?" He smirked and licked his lips.

"Please just let me explain, (y/n), it's really not what it looks like..." He said.

I just nodded my head, I really want to believe him, I know I can't do this without him, only more scars would appears on my wrist.

He smiled, "let's go, I'll tell you all about it.."

"And I have something to tell you too," I said, looking down, I'm going to tell him about me and Sophia and my real father, "you will be surprised."

He just smiled and nodded his head.


"Do you believe me now?" He asked me after he explained and said sorry so many times.

"Yes, Jason, I got it, I understand." I chuckled at his cuteness.

"Good." He smiled, "now what do you want to tell me?"

"I just have a question.." I said quietly.

"What is it?"

"You know Will right?" I asked.

"Mm." He said, just as I thought, he doesn't even want to mention him, how would he react if I actually told him that I'm his daughter.

"What if someone you know is like...." I paused for a while, "you know, related to him?"


Sorry for the late update! But cliffhangers you guys! And I just reached 1k votes all together for my fanfics! I'm speechless! I never expected this to happen when I first started writing, I appreciate every one of you! Thank you so much! And by the way guys, new fanfic coming!

Much love.

- Jess

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