Chapter 16

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(Y/n)'s POV

As soon as Jason left the room, I started to cry, I didn't even try to stop the tears from falling.

Soon enough, I stood up and got dressed and looked the unpacked luggage that's laying on the ground.

And that's when Jake walked in, "what are you doing?"

"Can you please book tomorrow's flight back to California, I'm going back." I wiped the tears on my cheeks, "and please don't tell him."

"(Y/n) are you sure? I --"

"Jake, I've never being this sure of something before now please just book the tickets for me? Actually, as soon as possible." I sat down back on the bed, "I just want to go home."

"Okay, I understand." He paused for a bit, "he'll find out sooner or later."

"I know, but he probably will have some more missions just like last time, which is for like a year." I sighed, "and it would give me time to think, or maybe even to forget him."

"You know... You can't forget someone who you still love." He said quietly.

I stayed silent.


"That's it." I said to myself, putting on the seatbelt on the plane, closing my eyes, waiting for the plane to start.

I'm leaving LA to go back to California, where my home is, I need to get away, away with where ever Jason is.

I need to get that name out of my mind, I don't want to hear that name ever again.

I put on the hoodie, covering my face a little.

"(Y/n)?" I heard a familiar voice, the only thing that's different is that it sound.... Broken.

I didn't want to look at him, I just kept my head down, great, is his seat next to mine? Why is he even here?

"(Y/n)..." He sat now next to me and sighed, "talk to me, I'm sorry."

"Why are you here?" My voice was shaking, tears are rolling down my cheeks, but I still kept my head down, trying not to look at him, "why can't you leave me alone, can't you see I've been hurt enough?"

"I'm here because I love you, and to explain, for you to forgive me because I love you."

"How did you know that I'm going back today? I thought Jake would keep it as a secret."

"I found out," he chuckled, god I miss his chuckles, "you can't hide these things from me, I'm Jason McCann."

"You're Jason McCann, also the number 1 player, why didn't I listen those people who tried to warn me, before I ever met you." My voice was shaking, "maybe, just maybe, my life would be different."

"It's destiny, destiny decided to make you meet me, and made me fall for you." He grabbed my hand but I quickly pulled my hand out.

"And I guess destiny made you hurt me, twice in a row, with the same woman?"

"Let's me explain, I-"

"Save it Jason, I don't want to hear it."

"Sir, I believe that you're in my seat." I heard a voice, so this isn't Jason's seat?

"Oh, can we swap seats? My seat is right behind, my girlfriend is kind of mad at me." Jason said, wait, girlfriend?

"I'm no longer your girlfriend." I looked up and saw who the beautiful voice belonged too, he was gorgeous, blonde hair and blue eyes that can make you fall in them in a heartbeat, but don't get me wrong, I'm not interested.

The blonde guy looked at us then nodded at Jason, like he understood something, "yeah sure, take my seat."

Jason smiled at me, "see, everyone's trying to get us to be together, let's not try fight fate."


So sorry for the late update! I had a writers block, I couldn't think of anything, but it's all okay now! Finally finished all the test at school! Anyway vote and comment if you like this chapter! :)

Much love.

- Jess

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