Chapter 23

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Jason's POV 

I don't understand.

Why would he come all this way just to tell me this, wouldn't he tell (y/n) and not me?

"Bro, what was that about?" Jake walked downstairs.

"(Y/n)." I sighed, "Everything is so complicated, love is complicated." 

"It really is, that's why I choose not to be in love."

"You don't get a choice to be in love or not." I chuckled, "it happens befoe you know it."

"You've never even told me!" Jake said.

"Tell you what?" 

"How you guys met then fall in love then break up then bck together again," He sighed, "How did you guys even survive through that?!"

"You really want to know?"

"Mm." Jake mumble.

So I started explaining, how we met and fell in love then our breakups.

~ Flashback ~

"Watch where you're going!" I yelled impatiently, I looked at the person that bumped into me, it was a girl, she looked so weak, she had a little bit of blood stain on the corner of her mouth.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly.

"Why are you here?" I frowned, this place is really dangerous.

"I don't know.." She mumbled, "I just wanted to get out of there..." 

"Where? I should just bring you home, where do you live?" I looked at her again.

"No please!" She suddenly grabbed my arm, "I beg you! I don't have a home!" Is that tears I see rolling down her cheeks?

I wiped the tears away, "Okay, okay." I said softly, I don't know why I just can't leave her by herself.

She smiled as her eyes started closing, she fainted right in front of me.


"So you're finally awake.." I smiled at (y/n) who's lying in bed and had just opened her eyes.

She sat up and mumbled something but I couldn't hear her because she was too quiet.

"Princess, speak up." I chuckled.

"I said, thank you." She said again, bit louder this time.

"So," I sat down beside the bed, "i have a question for you."

She nodded her head slowly so I continued.

"Why are you so hurt? There is absolutely no reason for a girl your age to be out at night alone, especially at that place and not to mention, with scars and bruises." I said slowly, looking into her eyes.

"I.." She paused a little, "I fell and forgot where I was going, so I got lost." She said, avoiding all eye contacts with me.

I went and sat down beside her, "Tell me the truth."

"I can't.. He.. He'll kill me." She said looking down, I could see the tears falling onto the blanket.

"Tell me, I'll protect you, I swear on my life that you'll be safe." I lifted her head up with my finger slowly, making her to look at me.

"You don't know what it's like.." She shivered then smacked my hand off.

I just smiled, "You're interesting," I chuckled, "I don't think that there's a situation that I can't handle."

She raised her eyebrows at me.

"I'm Jason McCann." I chuckled again, "You know, the Jason McCann that everyone's scared of?"

(Y/n) just covered her mouth in shock, "J-Jason McCann..."

"Don't be scared, I'm really not that bad." I shook my head.


And who knows, the Jason McCann that everyone is afraid of and no one thought he'd know what love is, is in love, with a girl he met 2 months ago.

I fell madly in love with her, she was just being herself, I love her for her.

After a few hours of being nervous, and thinking about what I should say to her, or even if I should confess my love for her, I've finally decided.

I want her to know.

I want her to be mine.

I want to be able to make her feel safe, and to protect her.

And who knew, she felt the same way.

She gave me her trust, and that is what everyone's afraid to give out to other people.

But she chose to believe me, I love her, I'm not letting her go no matter what.

After months, she misunderstood me and Sophia's relationship.

I wanted to get her back but I ha to leave for some stupid missions and I couldn't get back for a year.

Words couldnt describe how much I've missed her.

Then I came back, the first thing I did was to visit her, I wanted to know how she's doing.

How she's dealing with her dad, and if she's stopped... Cutting..

She didn't stop, it seemed like she started again, I'm sorry, I've said that to myself a millions of time everytime I see those scars on her arms, she doesn't deserve any of this.

I'll help her like what I did before, I wanted her back.

~flashback end~

Now I finally got her back.

She can never leave me again.

She's my one and only.

I, Jason McCann, is madly in love with (y/f/n).

And I promise, I will love you until the end.

Because I love you... Even more than myself.

Ever scar I see on your arms is a fresh new cut right on my heart.

(Y/f/n), I promise, Mrs McCann will soon be your name.


Heyyy, I'm so sorry for the late update omg, but I hoped that you guys like this chapter! Please check out my other Jason McCann fanfic called I Need You, thankyou so much, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.

Much love.

- Jess

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