Chapter 10

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Amber's POV

"No way!" Sophia cried.

"You slut! Why do you have to take everything from me?!" Sophia kept on shouting, "you already took Jack from me! Isn't that enough?" She looked down with tears dropping on the floor.

"You took Jack from me, Amber, he was my everything, then I finally moved onto Jason, I got the news that you two are dating..."

"No... I didn't take Jack from you.." I shook my head.

"Yes.." Sophia sighed, "he broke up with me because he fell in love with you." Sophia said quietly.

"That's not her fault, she didn't choose to make him fall in love with her." Jason said quietly.

"Then what about you? I knew you first!" Sophia looked up.

"You gotta understand that you can't force a person to be with you." Jason patted her back.

"Yes! Yes I can! But that's if she didn't exist!" Sophia pointed at me.

"Why can't you just keep Jack?! For gods sake Amber!" Sophia ran off.

"I-I..." So I shouldn't exist?

"Don't listen to her!" Jason frowned.

I started walking to the door, looking down.

"Amber wait!"

"I'm fine." I said quietly, "I just want to go home, alone."

I walked to the door, Jason didn't stop me, I'm glad he didn't.


I sat on the corner of my bed, I'm so tired..

Of everything.

If I just leave this world, would it make the world easier?

At least it would be easier for me.

I picked up a blade but then quickly dropped it.

No. I have to stay alive.

For Jason at least.

Then I heard a knock on the door, it was my dad.

He's all drunk, I had to let him in, he's my father after all.

"What the hell?!" I yelled.

"What?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Why are you drunk?!" I asked.

"Stress, I really want to tell Amber something..." He burped.


"I can say it! I hate myself for whatever I did! She... She.." Wait, is that tears rolling down his cheeks? He's crying?!

"Just say it, it's okay."

"I'm... I'm not her real father... Amber's... Real father is that dude that Jason hates... I can't tell Amber that!"

"W-what.. I dropped the cup of water that I brought him.

"I know, that was my reaction as well, when I heard that from her mother, and I finally accepted the fact that she loves Will.. And not me! He was my best friend..."

Will?! He's really the Will that Jason hates?

Hopefully not...

He's my father...?

Then I heard light snores, he fell asleep quick..

Think positive Amber! It might not be him after all.

Wait, if he's telling the truth...

I suddenly remembered a conversation him and mum had when I was little and I had no clue of what it is about...

Now everything make sense!


"Promise me that you'll never tell her this."

"Why not? She deserves to know. It's not like I'm gonna treat her like Sophia anyways."

"Sophia's with her mother." My mother said, frowning, "you're not gonna get to see her, probably ever."

"SHUT UP!" He yelled.

~flashback ends ~

But wait, Sophia?

No! Not her! This is not happening.


Soooooooo sorry for the short chapter!! Hopefully it would be longer in the next few chapters! But if you like this chapter please vote and comment!

Much love.

- Jess

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