Chapter 13

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Jason's POV

Don't tell me that....

She's coming with me.

"Why do you have bags?" I asked.

"Because I'm going to LA, with you!" She said, hugging me.

That's when Amber is starting to back off.

I shook Sophia off me then grabbed Amber.

Amber's POV

No, I don't even want to see her.

I started to back off, my eyes filled with fear because of Sophia.

Then Jason grabbed my arm, and pulled me into a hug.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing.." I faked a laugh, it obviously failed because you could hear my voice shaking.

"You should be boarding your plane!" I changed the subject.

"C'mon Jase, let's go." Sophia pulled his arm.

Jason pulled his arm away then started to walk slowly to board the plane.

"Don't break your promise!" I smirked while yelling.

"I won't babe."


It's being 1 month already, bad thing is that I still haven't heard anything from Jason yet but the good thing is I haven't seen my dad ever since that happened.

Wait, did I say dad again? I mean James.

But I have also discovered that Chaz have being hiding something from me, he's been acting weird and stuff, and something must've happened between him and Jack, because they barely even talk now, and I swear they only do when I'm around.

Chaz's POV

I haven't really talked to Jack after what happened after Amber and Jason left Jack's house.

We had a fight, it was really bad, it's the first time that I've had a fight with him, and it's about Amber.

~ flashback ~

"Wow, he's really back huh." I said after Jason left Jack's house.

"Yeah, I'm not getting a chance." Jack said, stretching.

"I'm not either." I said, laying lazily on his couch.

"What are you talking about?"

"I already told you man, I like her."

" I thought you were joking."

"Well I'm not, if Jason leaves, I'm gonna tell Amber about it."

Silence is all I got.

"Dude?" I said, looking at him.

"I thought you know that I like Am." Jack said.

"Well.. I do..." I scratched my head, "I can't hide my feeling from the girl I love just because my best friend likes her."

"Sorry man, I can't back off this time." I said, oh no, Jack looks pissed.

"Okay." That's all he replied.

~ flashback end ~

Am I really gonna loose my best friend because I'm just trying to get the woman I love to like me?

Am I really doing the wrong thing?

It's being a month, me and Jack have not talked at all, we've only talked in front of Amber, and it was only saying hello and stuff.

God, I don't want to loose a best friend for a woman.


Amber's POV

I was just laying on my couch, watch a movie with hot chocolate beside me, and a covering myself up with a blanket.

It is winter and I'm really cold, I wish Jason was here with me.

Then I heard a knock on the door, I really don't want to get out, I'm way too cold to get out.

Then the knock got louder.

"Who is it?" I said while getting up and opening the door.

"Hey Amber, long time no see." The guy at my door said, I smiled widely then quickly hugged him.

"Yes! What are you doing here today?" I asked.

"I'm taking you to meet Jason! Surprise!" ???? said.


Hey guys, who do you think the ???? is? Long chapter? Yeah or nah? But anyway hope you like this chapter! School next week fml.

Much love.

- Jess

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