Chapter 27

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(Y/n)'s POV

I held onto my phone and squeezed it tight in my hand, I want to trust him, I really do, but what if Sophia's telling the truth?

I looked at my phone and tapped on Jason number, my hand started shaking while holding the phone next to my ear.

After a few rings, someone finally picked up, "Hey, this is Jason's phone, he currently pretty busy right now, so yeah." It was Sophia's voice.

"Where is Jason?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Oh hey (y/n), you called to make sure didn't you?" She laughed, "so are you happy with your answer?"

"Sophia, where is Jason?!" I tightened my fist.

"Oh, you mean my darling? He's in the shower, did you want me to say hi to him for you?"

"No need," I wiped my tear away with the back of my hand, "I got my answer."

I hung up the call and broke into tears, I can't believe her.

Who am I kidding? I believe her, I really do, no matter how much I don't want to say that.

I know I shoudn't believe her.

What does she want from me?

I have nothing left, but Jason.

I guess not even Jason anymore.


Jason's POV

"Shit," I stood in front of Sophia's bathroom mirror, and looked down at my shirt that have got stains on it, Sophia did this on purpose, I know it.

Why I am here?

Well, Will told me that there's a way to end this all, I actually believed him, what was I even thinking, he tricked me into going to Sophia's house, I've never made stupid mistakes like this before, I just want this to end fast, so I could possibly have a happy life with (y/n).

I opened the bathroom door and saw Sophia holding my phone, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Nothing Jase, come sit here."

"No thanks, give me my phone I'm going home." I walked up to her and grabbed phone out of her hands, "Also, you have fully lost my trust, goodbye Sophia."

"Your trust? That's new because I have never got that! You never trusted me,am I right?" Sophia smiled teasingly.

"Sad but I have actually trusted you, even after what you've done to me and (y/n), even after you decided to join Will, I've always had trust in you, but you kicked away the littlest bit of trust I have left for you."

"How do I know that you're not saying that for me to stop?"

"I'm here, is that not enough? I believed what you said, but you just had to..."

"Jason, I'm so sorry, I thought..." Sophia is now crying, even though I had my back facing her I could still tell fom her broken voice

"Don't even worry about what I just said, we have a choice, strangers or enemies?" I said coldly.

"No Jason, please, I'm sorry, I'll stop everything, I'll fix it, I'll go apologise to (y/n)."

"Can't you see? Everything's over, honestly."

"We can start over! I..." Sophia cried.

"Save it Sophia." I walked out the door and checked my phone.

A call from (y/n)?

Oh, shit.

Sophia picked that up, didn't she.

I tapped on (y/n)'s name on my phone and after a few rings that felt like forever to me, she finally picked up.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me Sophia?" She immediately said.

"It's not Sophia, it's me." I sighed, "please, don't hang up."

"Why? Is there anything you want to add to Sophia's story?" She teased, but I could tell she's crying, I know her too well.

"Let me explain, please, I'll be home in a sec, please don't leave me." I felt tears in my eyes, "I need you in my life."

"I believe you Jason, I do." She sounded relieved, "I love you."


(Y/n)'s POV

I believe Jason, this time, I'm not going to question him, I want to believe him and I think I've made the right choice.

"Baby, I'm back." I heard the front door opening, I hugged the pillow tighter.

"I'm upstairs," I said quietly, I didn't expect him to hear me but when I looked up, he's already standing by my bedroom door.

"Babe." Jason said, "I'm tired, I'm so tired."

"I'm always here babe." I said quietly.


Chaz's POV

I got on my phone and noticed that I got 1 new voice mail, and it was from (y/n).

I miss her, I really do, but I did leave for a reason, I was stupid when I thought me and (y/n) had a chance, but that thought disappeared when I saw Jason again at Jack's house.

I played the voice mail,

"Hey, Chaz, I'm just calling to see how you and Jack are doing, I haven't heard from you guys for ages and I miss you two, call back when you hear this, okay?"

She sound tired, but why?

I thought me and Jack leave would be the best for her but what happened?

I tapped on her name on my phone and after a few rings she picked up.


"(Y/n)." Even saying her name brings a smile onto my face.

"I missed you and Jack." She said quietly.

"We miss you too."

"When are you coming back?"

"We don't know yet, but we sure will visit you soon!" I tried to make myself sound happy.

"That's great," I know she smiled, "we really need to catch up!"

"(Y/n), I really need to go, talk to you soon!" I said and hung up the phone.

Then I just sat there, I didn't know what else to do, I said that I'll visit her with Jack very soon, but the truth is I don't want to see her with Jason.

It hurts me, nobody understands.



Much Love.

- Jess

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