Chapter 25

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, why did I have an alarm? I can't even remember.

"You're awake." Jason walked into my room, holding a cup of hot chocolate.

"Yeah," I smiled, "Thank you for everything Jason."

"(Y/n)," He sat down on the chair beside my bed, "I made a decision, I probably should've made this decision earlier."

I breathed heavily, is he breaking up with me?

"What it is?" I said calmly.

He's not breaking up with me, he's not breaking up with me.

I said that rapidly in my head.

"I want to leave the gang." He said, "I stayed up last night just thinking about this, I don't want you to be in danger because of me, I can't face the fact that I might not be able to see you the next second."

"Jason, you don't have to.." I said quietly, he have basically worked in the gang most of his life, I don't want him to give up on something that means that much to him.

He's the leader of that crew, what's gonna happen if he choose to leave? And because of me?

"Yes, of course I have to (y/n)! You don't understand how much you mean to me, I love you and I can't even picture my future without you, I can protect myself, and I tried my best to protect you, but sometimes accidents do happen, what if...?" He sighed looking down.

"Jason, I'll be fine, please don't give up on the crew, I know how much that crew means to you, please don't just leave, what about Will? What about.." I said, he didn't let me finish.

"You don't seem to understand, they mean nothing to me compared to you, you are my everything, without you I'd be nothing."

"But you worked so hard for everything, I'd feel terrible if you just give everything up for me, for a stupid reason!" I raised my voce, I can't let him do this.

"It's not a stupid reason, I've made my decision, I know what I'm doing!" He tightened his fist.

"Jason, you're not realising what you're about to give up!" I said, I could feel tears in my eyes, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, no matter what you say, I'm not letting you do this."

We both stayed silent, it took a while then Jason finally spoke again, "If I stay in the crew, would that make you happier?" he said, his voice cracking.

"Jason.." A tear rolled down my cheek, "Can you think about yourself for once and not what other people think?" I said softly.

He's always thinking about other people and never himself.

He stayed silent for a while look at the ground then he wiped my tear away with his thumb, "your decision is mine, good or bad."

"I can't... Jason, I can't do this, think about yourself, it's your life! Please make a decision that will make you happy!" I looked at him with watery eyes.

I want him to make a decision that will make him happy.

I got off the bed, "I'm going to take a shower, please make a decision that makes you happy."

He sat there in silence as I walked to the bathroom, after a while I heard my bedroom door slowly shut and him on the phone, "I've made my decision."


I walked out the shower and looked into the mirror, my eyes are red, again, I have to make up another lie, like I got shampoo in my eyes or somwthing, I can't tell him I was crying, it'll just make him worry even more.

I dried my body and hair and put on some comfortable clothes.

I walked downstairs and found Jason sitting the couch, his hands hiding his face, looking stressed.

I don't want to see him like this, ever, we can find a better way to solve this, to solve everything.

"So.." I said as I walked to him, "What was your decison?"

"I'm staying, but I will soon make Jake to be incharge of the crew and I'll be out, I will still help the crew and all that, but I will no longer lead the crew." He sighed in relief.

"Thank you.." I mumbled quietly.

"Anything for my princess." Jason smiled, I could tell it was from the heart, because I haven't seen that smile in ages.


Jason's POV

She smiled, that means she's happy about my decision, right?

I made the right decision?

I thought about leaving but then realised that Will wouldn't let me off that easily, so I choose to stay but no longer be the leader, for the safety of (y/n), I have to make this decision.

"Jason.. Jason!" (Y/n) snapped me out of my thoughts.

I know it's my imagination, but I could see her slowly fading away from my world.... Forever.

I suddenly hugged her tight, tighter than ever, like she was going to disappear any second.

"Jason? What wrong?" She managed to say.

"Without you my world is a blurr, so please promise me, as long as you love me, we'll be together."

"I promise you Jason, as long as we have each other, we can get throigh anything." She pulled the sweetest smile.

(Y/n) is my one and only.

And nothing is going to change that.



Hey guys! Did you guys like this chapter? I love it, Jason is such a cutie in this like omfg Jason McCann feels omfg akjdhskdfjalfhjfkdasdfhgs.

Anyway please vote and leave me comment because they sure make me smile!

Much love.

- Jess

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