Chapter 6

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Jason's POV

It's already night, it's been a day, she should be back, don't tell me she went back her house.

I tightened my teeth, she cannot run away from me.

I hopped into my car, started it and drove to her house.

I parked the car and walked to the door, I was about to open the door until I heard glass breaking on the ground.

I stood there and listened, I could hear her dad's voice?

"Get out of my house! Now!" I heard Amber) scream.

"I'm still you dad, your house is my house." I hate his guts.

"You're no longer my dad. You're the reason mum died, now get out." She was quite calm.

That's when I opened the door.

"You heard her, now leave." I walked in, and I saw tears rolling down (y/n)'s cheek, I quickly walked over to her and wiped her tears away.

"So you got backup now eh?"

"So you don't remember me?" I grinned.

He looked closely then laughed, "you're that Jason boy eh? But didn't you leave like a year ago."

I tightened my fists.

"From what I heard is that you cheated on her with her best friend?" He laughed, "you're ridiculous."

I turned around and looked at Amber, who have stopped crying.

"Leave. Now." I pointed to the door, "before I hurt you."

He walked to the door, "see you soon."

His laugh filled the night's silence.

Amber's POV

He just had to remind me about that break up didn't he.

I'm glad Jason walked in and helped me.

"Thank you." I said, my voice was rusty from crying before.

I slowly walked towards the broken glass on the floor.

I kneeled down and started to pick the broken glasses.

"Here, I'll do it." He kneeled down beside me.

"No, it's okay." I stopped him from picking them up, "you might get hurt."

"Am, don't hold in cries, sometimes you just gotta let it out." He said, wiping my tears away.

"I'm okay." I picked up the last piece of glass and stood up and chucked them in the bin.

"Amber... I'm here. Always. Promise." He hugged me tight.

I bit my lip, tears are still rolling down my cheek, he said that before.

Before we broke up, I don't know if I should believe him.

"You said that before." I closed my eyes, "but you didn't keep your promise."

I felt him hugging me tighter, "I'm sorry Am, it was all a mistake, let's just start over. Okay?" He said softly.

I stayed quiet, I'm not sure if I want to start over. It's too hard sometimes.

"Just promise you won't cut again."

I didn't know what to say, I mean, just before I.....

He let go of me and held my arm, oh no! He knows that I....

He pulled up my sleeve.

4 new cuts and some scars, I hate myself, I never even wanted him to know.

"Amber.... You'll stop right? You don't know how much it hurt me to see your cuts." He said, looking hurt.

I know I hurt him but I can't stop.

I tried.

But it just seems like I'm worthless.

No one helped, only Jason can help me stop, but he left me, breaking his promise.

Should I believe him again?

I really don't know.


so sorry that I didn't update for so long! I probably won't update as quick anymore but I will still try to update as much as I can!! But hope you guys liked this chapter! If you did please vote and I'd love to see some new comments! Thankyou for reading!

Much love.

- Jess

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