Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s POV

This couldn't be!

No way.

They're only friends, I put down the phone, not looking that the text, I should trust him.

I got out of the bed without waking Jason up then I went to the bathroom and got changed.

My phone starting ringing so I picked up.

"What's up (y/n)?!"

"Chaz? You haven't called in ages! God I miss you." I smiled as I walked into the kitchen.

"Tomorrow would be fine, see you there." I smiled as I hung up the phone, I'm going to see Chaz tomorrow!

I literally can't wait, I've been friends with Chaz for a long time but I wonder if he'd work everything out with Jack yet.

I rolled my eyes because I didn't get enough sleep, then a pair of strong arms are wrapped around my waist.

"Oh, morning Jason." I turned my head and pecked him on his lips.

"Morning babe, why didn't you wake me?" He hugged me tighter.

"I wanted you to get more rest." I smiled.

"Did you see the text?" I turned my head back and poured myself a cup of water, trying to ignore what I actually feel inside.

"What text?" He looked confused.

"You know... From Sophia.." I held the cup in my hands then got I out of his grip and sat down on the couch.

"What are you talking about?" He frowned.

"You might want to check your phone." I looked at him, "but I didn't read the message, I know I can trust you."

His frown soon turned into a smile, "of course you can." He sat down next to me and pecked me on my cheek.


"Chaz!" I squealed as I saw him.

I ran up to him and jumped on him.

"(Y/n)'s you're still the same." Chaz chuckled.

"Have you talked to Jack lately?"

"We sorted it out, we're all good now."

"That's good," I smiled, "what should we do today?"

"Movie, or shopping?" He smiled, he know me so well.

"Well, you do realise that we're standing outside a shoe store right now." I looked at him.

"Well (y/n), go for it." He chuckled as I walked into the store and started to look at high heels.


Sorry for the short chapter! The next few will be longer, thanks for understanding, please check out my other fanfic, called 'I need you'. Thankyou.
Much love.

- Jess

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