Suggested by @kikicheesesticks

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Thomas yanked on his hair, dried cheese and macaroni was stuck in it. He whimpered as he pulled on his scalp. "Ow." He murmured. James walked over to him.
"Hey bud, what's up?" James asked, a jolly look mirroring the look that was only shown when James was very happy.
"Nothing..." Thomas said, brushing his Mac n cheese filled hair behind his ear to hide it.
"Thom, what's wrong?" James' happy face was gone when he realized Thom was upset.
"I- I got max'n'cheese stuck in my hair. I don't know what to do." Thomas wailed.
"Oh! It's okay" James wrapped Thoma sun a hug before asking Thomas' hand and leading him over to Mr.Miranda.
"Mr.Miranda?" James asked softly.
Mr.Miranda bent down so he was level with James. "Yes James? Thomas?" He said, his grin wider than the Cheshire cat's.
"Thomas got some mac'n'cheese stuck in his hair." James said. Thomas pulled his hair out from behind his ear.
"Oh! I can help." Mr.Miranda grabbed some scissors from the arts and crafts table and snipped on Thomas' hair until all was well.
"Thank you so so so much Mr.Miranda! You are the best teacher in the whole wide world! I'll talk to my mom about a raise." Thomas snickered. Mr.Miranda grinned.

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