Chapter 1: A Very Unexpected Visitor

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1. A Very Unexpected Visitor

"Well...they did it," I told Shawn. We were standing side by side, watching Isabelle and his father from a distance. They both looked so happy. And for the first time since I met his dad he didn't look so...stern.

He sighed. "Yes, they did."

I snaked my hand around his arm and leaned close to his shoulder. "We should go congratulate them don't you think?"


"Shawn," I retorted and started dragging him towards them.

We met Isabelle first, as Mr. Mitchell left to speak with a few colleagues.

"Khalan!" she squealed like a teenage girl.

I laughed and gave her a hug. "Congratulations Isabelle."

"Thank you so much," she replied sweetly.

She was extremely beautiful, in her white lace gown and silky black curls that dangled gracefully around her face. Her brown eyes shone when they landed on Shawn.

"Congratulations," he said sincerely.

She wrapped her arms around him and he removed his hands from his pockets and awkwardly patted her on the back.

"I know I can't take your mom's position, but I promise I will be there for you boys and Harper."

"I'm not asking you to," he told her. "Just do your best. My dad is actually a much better person now that he has you so..."

Isabelle gave him a grateful smile as Mr. Mitchell appeared.

"Khalan, son," he said.

"Congratulations on the wedding," I told him.

"Thank you."

Everyone went silent and I nudged Shawn's side. He awkwardly cleared his throat.


"Thank you son," his father replied. "It means a lot."

"Okay," I jumped in, to kill the awkwardness. "We'll leave you two now to go um...mingle."

"Sure," Isabelle smiled. "Enjoy yourselves."

We stepped away and I sighed. "That wasn't so difficult was it?"

He looked at me, cracking a small smile. "Princess, I could have been on the other side of the world and still sensed the awkwardness."

We both laughed at that and I shook my head. "Come on."

We began walking back to our seats, hand in hand, when Liam jumped in front of us.

"This cake is awesome," he said, taking another bite of the piece he held in his hand.

I stared at him. "Liam, what are you doing?"

He shrugged. "Eating cake."

"Mate," Shawn added. "The bride and groom haven't cut it yet. You can't just go take some because you feel like."

He stopped chewing. "Oh."

"Yeah," I said. "Oh."

"Either way it's good," he shrugged again and just continued chewing.

Liam walked away and Shawn ran his fingers through his hair. "Michaels, what if they forget her?"

"That's what you're so afraid of?" I questioned.

"Well yeah."

"Trust me, they won't," I assured him and he leaned down to kiss the top of my head.

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