Chapter 24: Just Keep Going

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24. Just Keep Going

"What's up with you?" Jess questioned.

I shrugged. "Don't know what you mean."

"You've been smiling nonstop stop ever since we picked you up."

"Just let her be happy for once," Shayley chuckled.

"Thank you Shayley."

We passed the hallway and my eyes connected with Shawn's. He shot me a wink and I couldn't hide the smile on my face.

"Oh, I see what's going on here," Shayley remarked. "Jess, I guess you were on to something after all."

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You and lover boy are back at it again," she said.

"What? No we're not."

"Then mind explaining that?" Jessica smirked.

"So we get along now, big deal," I shrugged.

She rolled her eyes. "You know both of you can just put this whole Melanie, Connor fiasco behind you and get back together right?"

"That's not happening anytime soon," I said. "And that's why."

They diverted their eyes from me to what was in front of us. Or should I say who.

"Khalan," Melanie chirped as the click clack of her heels became louder.

"Ugh, what do you want?" Shayley asked her.

"Relax, I just came to tell Khalan I'm glad she's okay. And that she's back," she replied, still grinning as ever.

"Um...thanks?" I said, unsure of what was happening.

"Since when do you care?" Jessica asked.

"Oh let's be honest," she chuckled. "Shawn's been such a downer ever since you got hurt. Now that you're okay he can get back to normal and so can we."

"This is because of Shawn?" Jessica asked in disbelief.

Shayley stepped forward. "Oh that's it!"

I grabbed her arm. "Do I need to hold you back?"

She forced out of my grip and muttered, "Maybe."

"Look," I said to Melanie. "Thanks for your...concern, but I really think it's best if we steer clear of each other."

"Too bad," she said all sickly sweet. "Bye."

She strutted away and I rolled my eyes.

"I'd like to run her over," Jess muttered.

"Before the accident she kinda made it clear where she stood with Shawn," I told them. "Maybe I should just accept that."

"What? No."

"Wait a second," Shayley jumped in. "She got in your head right before the car crash? Oh somebody better hold me back because I'm about to kill this bi-"

"Shay," I interrupted, stopping her from lunging at Melanie.

The bell rang.

"Let's just go shall we?" Jess suggested.

"She's lucky you're nice," Shayley spat.

I sighed and went on to class. I had Math that morning. Immediately I entered I spotted Connor. He gave me a smile and I returned it, taking a seat beside him.

"So, what's up?"

"Oh the usual," I replied nonchalantly. "I had a short chat with Melanie so you know how my morning's going."

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