Chapter 20: Move On

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20. Move On

Shawn's POV


I shut my eyes and inhaled. "Hey Melanie."

"Wanna hang out?" she chirped. "You've practically been M.I.A. these past few days."

"I've been busy," I quickly said before taking a sip of water. "I've been visiting the hospital."

"Oh right," she pouted. "Poor Khalan."

I shook my head.

She rolled her eyes. "Look I know we're not exactly best friends but I'm not heartless either. I really do hope she'll be okay."

"Thanks for that," I sincerely told her.

Obviously I knew she and Khalan didn't exactly like each other, but I knew Melanie. Her heart wasn't stone, and I believed her when she said that.

She sighed. "I'll see you when this all blows over."

She quickly kissed by cheek and walked away before I could even react.

I got up and walked out of the courtyard. Jessica came speeding towards me.

"There you are!" she exclaimed. "I've been looking all over for you."

"What's the matter?"

"Austin got a call from Charlie. She's awake Shawn, Khalan's awake!"

I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my chest as a wave of relief washed over me. "Are you serious?"

"Yes," she clarified. "Now hurry up and let's go. He's already on his way there. So are the others."

I smiled...laughed. "Okay...okay let's go."

Not wasting any time we drove to the hospital. Everyone was in the lobby waiting, even Kyle, Renée and...Connor. I decided not to go there now and grinned when I saw Liam holding a giant bouquet.

"I didn't get a bouquet when I got shot," I joked.

"You weren't asleep for four days," he chuckled.

Four days. That felt like a lifetime.

"Apparently she woke up this morning," Austin told us. "They won't allow us up there so her brother's coming to get us."

"And right this way," Charlie appeared, gesturing to the stairs. We were too many to fit into one elevator anyways and none of us could wait.

We arrived at her room but the door was closed.

"The nurses are in there," he explained. "Be right back."

He turned the door knob and entered, closing it behind him.

"So I guess we know who's going in first," Shayley teased.

Liam ruffled my hair and I slapped his hand off.

He pouted. "Meanie."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Connor spoke.

We fell silent and I looked at him. "Oh and I suppose you think you are, goldilocks?"

"I'm just saying, it might not be best if she's still mad at you."

"Oh God no," Liam muttered when he sensed the trouble, facepalming himself.

"I'm her boyfriend," I stated.

He looked me in the eye. "Not anymore."

"You know we're in a hospital right? Very convenient place if you need immediate attention after I injure you."

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