Chapter 7: I Would Have Killed You Twice

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7. I Would Have Killed You Twice

"It's okay," Charlie told me. "You'll be fine."

"I don't get it," I sobbed. "Things were going so great it was...perfect."

"Time passes," he said. "Things change."

"It sucks."

"I know kid. But you don't know what's going to happen. Sometimes you just gotta let the universe work its magic. And for what it's worth I can totally kick his ass on your command."

I managed to laugh a little but shook my head. "Please don't. He wasn't completely in the wrong."

"He broke your heart Mia, that's very wrong to me."

"It's my fault too," I said, sniffling a bit. "We're both to blame."

Charlie chuckled. "You're always gonna have his back aren't you?"

I sighed. "Always."

As much as I hated admitting it now it was true. Regardless of everything I still care about him, dating or not.

He hugged me tighter before getting up from my bed. "I'm stepping out for a bit. You'll be fine?"

I nodded. "Yeah, thanks."

He walked out and I just continued to lie on my bed, feeling sorry for myself. My friends were flooding my phone with texts but I just kept it on silent. Then there was a knock at my door.

"Come in," I croaked loudly.

The door opened to reveal my little sister with a box of tissues and vanilla ice cream.

"Can I come in?" she grinned.

I chuckled. "Yeah."

She shut the door and climbed onto the bed beside me. "We are going to watch movies all night and finish this giant bowl of ice cream. You up?"

I took a spoon from her. "Shawn and I used to have stupid arguments over ice cream."

"Wow Khalan, way to be a downer," she joked and rolled her eyes.

I laughed and nudged her a bit. "Let's finish this ice cream then."

"That's what I'm talking about," she smiled.

I shook my head as Emily got us something to watch. My siblings were the best.


I was woken by the sound engine?

"What the?" I groaned as I sat up.

Emily was still passed out next to me. We stayed up till three a.m. watching movies.

I shook her. "Em?"

"What? What time is it?" she asked drowsily.

I checked the time. Wow.

"It's noon," I simply replied. "Get up."

She rolled over, turning away her face. "I think I'll stay in here a little while," she mumbled.

I shook my head and got out of bed. I was a mess. My eyes were a bit red and my cheeks were still puffy from all the crying last night. I got dressed in a simple t-shirt and sweatpants, slipping on a pair of comfortable slippers.

"Hey honey," mom greetd once I got downstairs. "Want some breakfast?"

"Sure, in a minute," I replied. "What's going on out there?"

She smiled, before taking a sip of her coffee. "Go see for yourself."

I stepped outside and headed to the garage. My dad, Charlie and Austin were fixing up some car.

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