Chapter 12: Don't Get Distracted

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12. Don't Get Distracted

I woke up and sat up, adjusting to the new day. Saturday. Finally, the weekend. I recounted the previous day's events and made a mental note to call Shawn and find out about Harper's condition. I took a shower and got dressed in some comfy clothes before heading down. Emily dangled my keys in front of me when I walked into the kitchen.

"Guess who brought your car at six a.m. today?"

I was confused. "Shawn?"

How did he get my keys.

"That boy's head over heels," she chuckled.

"That doesn't make any sense. I never gave him my keys last night."

"Well he found a way to get them," she said. "You should probably thank him."

"Of course I will," I stated and took out my phone from my pocket. I dialed his number but it went to voicemail. I had some breakfast consisting of simple toast and butter then began my day lounging in front of the Tv.

Tv was no use. There was nothing on that interested me. I finally gave up and got into my car, heading to see Shawn. I could hear music blasting from inaide the house when I got to the front door. Confused, I rang the bell. It took a couple of tries but someone finally heard it. The door opened to reveal a grinning Liam. His smile turned into a smirk when he saw me.

"Hey, look who decided to drop by."

I smiled. "Hi Liam."

He chuckled and pulled me. "Come on in. He'll be right with you."

"You make it seem like I've booked some sort of appointment," I remarked.

"Shawn!" he yelled. "Get down here. Khalan wants to see you."

I stood there waiting while Liam annoyingly screamed his name over and over again.

"I hear you mate, I'm coming," Shawn told him as he descended the marble staircase with Jacob.

"It's rude to keep a lady waiting you know," Liam rebuked sternly.

I smiled at his comment while Shawn rolled his eyes and ignored Liam. As they walked into the kitchen Shawn turned down the music. He gave me his attention.


"I tried calling you," I began. "But it went to voicemail. I wanted to know how everything was going. And how you got my keys of course. Thanks for bringing my car by the way."

"You're welcome," he said. "And yout keys fell out of your pocket while you were asleep. Figured I'd just do you the favour."

"Oh...alright then. How's Harper by the way."

"I don't know."

I frowned. "You don't know?"

He shoom his head and put his hands in his pockets. "I went straight home after I dropped you off. My phone's been off since then, that's why you couldn't reach me.

"Well why don't you at least call and find out?" I questioned.

He stayed silent.

"Shawn..." I went on. "At least call. I'm sure she'd love to hear your voice."

He sighed softly. "I will, don't worry."

I nodded and stood there awkwardly. "Um...I guess I'll get going then."

"No, stay," he stopped me.


"Yeah, you don't have to go. Hang out with us if you want."

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