Chapter 6: I Will Rip Your Head Off If You Touch That Last Cookie

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6. I Will Rip Your Head Off If You Touch That Last Cookie

"Hey," Connor said as he caught up to me while I was walking down the hall.


He frowned. "Something wrong?"

I hesitated at first. "Well...things just...kinda got better between Shawn and I and if he sees us together-"

"Things may get bad again?" he cut in, confused. " I some kinda threat to your relationship?"

"What? No," I quickly answered then sighed. "Trust me, Shawn doesn't see you as a threat."

"Then what's the problem if I talk to you?"

"It's know how he can get sometimes."

"Actually I don't," he said.

"He goes a little alpha male at times," I explained. "We can still talk, just...not a lot."

He stopped and put his hands in his pocket. "Okay, I'll leave you alone then."

"Wha- no. Connor?" I called after him.

Great, now I hurt his feelings.

"Everything okay?" Shawn asked from behind.

I turned and walked past him. "Yeah."

Before I could get away he held my wrist. "Hey, are you okay?"

I sighed. "I just feel bad okay? I don't get why I have you tell Connor to keep his distance when you won't tell Melanie to back off."

"I am going to talk to her Michaels," he told me. "And I didn't say never speak to the guy again, just let him know where he stands."

"Well apparently he didn't get the message clearly," I muttered.

He cupped my face with one hand, making me look at him. "Hey, I thought after last night we weren't going to argue."

I sighed again. "I know, I know. I just feel bad. He's new and I wasn't exactly nice to him when we first met."

"Thought he was a jerk?"

"Oh he was," I nodded.

He sighed. "Nevermind that. I'll talk to Melanie before the day ends."

I nodded. "Okay."

He kissed my cheek. "I'll see you later Princess."


"Austin sweetheart?" Jessica began sweetly. "We may be dating but I will rip your head off if you touch that last cookie on my tray."

His expression softened as his hand moved away. "Well damn. It's just a cookie."

She picked up the cookie and eyed it. "My cookie."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the girl I love," he stated casually as Jess devoured it like a pig.

I laughed at their cuteness before taking a sip of my own lemonade.

"Where are you going?" Austin asked when I got up.

"To find Shawn," I replied. "I need to talk to him."

"Well can't it wait? I mean we're having lunch together," he pouted.

I chuckled. "You guys seem fine without me. Plus it involves Melanie."

Jessica waved her hand. "Say no more, go do what you gotta do."

I guess Austin and I haven't spent a lot of time by ourselves since we both started dating. I made it a mental note to make up for lost time. I left both of them and wandered around looking for my boyfriend. I spotted Jacob.

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