Chapter 34: Process Your Thoughts A Bit Faster

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34. Process Your Thoughts A Bit Faster

Shawn's POV

I opened the door. "Hey Doc."

Dr. Parker looked up from her clipboard and smiled. "Shawn, hello. You're quite cheerful today."

I chuckled and sat. "I guess you can say things are finally looking bright."

"Things have always been looking bright Shawn, you've just been wallowing in your darkness too long to notice," she said.

"Well that's why I've got you isn't it," I joked and she chuckled.

"I'm proud of your progress though," she continued. "You're almost a completely different person."

I did feel different. Like everything that ever held me down had been taken off my shoulders.

"Well then," she said, clicking her pen. "Let's begin shall we."

After the session with Dr. Parker I headed straight home. Whistling to myself I hopped out of the car and entered through the front door. When I passed the living room, Isabelle stopped me.

"Oh hey Shawn," she said. "Your father wants to see you in his study."

I sighed. "He's never anywhere else is he?"

She chuckled. "Just go."

I made my way to his study. When I opened the door I found him sitting at his desk waiting for me.

"I need to show you something son," he said gently. "Sit down."


Khalan's POV

"Hey there," Connor chirped as I shut my locker. "Need a ride home?"

"Uhh I'm actually heading to Shawn's house. He hasn't been in school today. I haven't called him but frankly I'm worried."

In the past Shawn not going to school usually meant something had happened at home.

"Oh right, you two are on again I suppose?" he asked.

I looked at him and chuckled at his use of "on again". "You'd be surprised who kinda made it happen."


"Melanie," I answered.

"Melanie?" he asked. "Doesn't she hate you or something?"

"Well apparently not as much as she likes him," I said. "I mean if she was willing to do this for him then she must really care about him."

He nodded. "Probably."

I went on to ask the dreaded question. "How about you though? How are you?"


"Yeah," I answered. "I know I didn't exactly give you the response you wanted that day at the fountain so I was just wondering if yo-"

"Khalan," he cut me off before I started rambling. "I'm fine."

I sighed. "Really?"

He smiled. "Really. I mean who knows? Your rejection may be my gateway to a million other girls who can't stay away from this."

He gestured to himself and I rolled my eyes.

He laughed. "So are you going to let me give you a ride or you prefer walking by yourself because you'd find it awkward?"

I laughed and pulled his arm. "Come on."


I waved Connor goodbye and went on to ring the doorbell.

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