Chapter 8: What The Hell?

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8. What The Hell?

Shawn's POV

"Heading to lunch?" Jacob asked me while busy on his phone.

"In a bit," I replied. "I have to talk to Mel."

He raised an eyebrow. "The same girl who's been causing trouble for you and Khalan? Dude I really don't think that's a good idea.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh relax. This isn't like that."

"Alright then," he said. "There she is though. Just don't get yourself into any trouble Shawn."

I shook my head as we kept walking down the hallway.

"Melanie?" I called.

"Yes Shawn?" she smiled when she turned.

"I...we need to talk."

"Well those aren't words a girl wants to hear from a guy," she joked. "Can we talk on the way to the cafeteria?"

I held her hand when she began walking away. "No, now."

She gave me a questioning look. "Alright, what's so important?"

I pulled her into an empty room as Jacob headed to the cafeteria.

"Look, we've been friends for a very long time."

"We have haven't we?" she grinned and grabbed my hand. "Remember when we used to spend almost every day at the beach? And you taught me to surf and-"

"Yeah we've had a lot of fun times," I said; cutting her off before she knocked me off topic completely. "Listen I'm...not exactly the same person you knew back down under I-"

"So you've changed a little bit," she interfered again. "It's life. I didn't expect you to stay the same. I'm not exactly the same either."

"Yes but-"

"But I'm willing to make this work if you are-"

"Mel we can't be together," I finally silenced her. "I've got Michaels, we're finally in a good place-"

"Well according to Michaels, you two aren't together," she said.

I couldn't finish one sentence with her can I?

She stepped closer. "Look I know I surprised you buy suddenly turning up and all. I should have probably told you first but it's because I knew things would get back to normal. Our normal."

"Our normal was going out to parties and hooking up with different people," I deadpanned.

"That only happened twice," she defended. "We were both drunk and stupid then. We can start all over Shawn, let me show you."

And with that she pressed her lips onto mine hungrily. I hadn't made out with her in so long and now it was just so wrong. I pulled away and looked around to see if anyone had spotted us. My eyes flew to the door and just my luck. A confused, hurt Khalan stood there.

Right there and then, I knew this wasn't going to end well.


I kept my eyes on the bag as I punched it repeatedly, letting out whatever the hell I was feeling at the moment. I was angry. Yes, I knew that had something to do with it. Mainly at myself for being the idiot who screwed things up with her. I heard the door open but I didn't mind. The only people who knew about this place were my brothers and my friends so I wasn't worried it was some intruder. The same place I brought Michaels to blow off some steam when she had her own demons picking fights in her head.

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