Chapter 36 (1/2): Teenagers Who Don't Know Where The Hell They're Going

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36. Teenagers Who Don't Know Where The Hell They're Going

"I cannot believe we're stuck in the middle of nowhere," Austin sighed.

"I cannot believe I'm going to miss my high school graduation!" Shayley groaned, hitting her head softly against the van.

"Relax, we'll make it back in time," Liam said. "It's not like it's tomorrow."

"Mate?" Shawn called.


"It's tomorrow!"

Liam scoffed. "Well you're just a ray of sunshine aren't you? I was just trying to make our situation better."

"Yeah, you should be, seeing as you're the one who got us stuck here in the first place!" Jacob yelled, ready to pounce on him.

Austin held him back.

"Calm down will you?" Jess said. "Beating him up isn't going to help us."

"The curly-haired lady is right," Liam grinned before sticking a tongue out at Jacob.

"How is it that you manage to increase my urge to kill you every day?" Jacob muttered.

"Well I'm not surprised," Liam said nonchalantly. "With greatness comes envy."

Cue another attempt to stop Jacob from decapitating him.

Ah yes, another day, another problem, same Liam. The stupid speech didn't seem like my biggest problem now, it was whether I'd make it in time to give it.


Hours earlier

I groaned and put my head back on my desk. My paper was still blank. It was only a matter of time till I wrote some crap on it and tossed it into the bin with the other crumpled ones.

I wasn't even supposed to be doing it in the first place. The original valedictorian was moving across country right before graduation and so here I was, the the next in line according to Principal Rivers, struggling to write a speech. Graduation was tomorrow and I still had nothing. Nothing!

I heard a knock on my door and groaned. "Not now! I'm too busy trying to write!"

The door opened and someone stepped in. "Too busy for even me?"

My frustration melted away instantly. "Sorry for that Shawn, but I do have to finish this."

He chuckled and walked over, pulling me out of my seat gently. "You've always been cute when you're frustrated, but come on, I've got a way to end that."

"Uh...what exactly are we doing?" I asked.

"Going on an adventure, though I don't know where," he replied. "It was Liam's idea. One last one before we graduate. I just thought why the hell not."

"Shawn I've got the speech," I pointed out.

"And I've got a van full of people waiting for us," he chuckled.

"I can't," I said.

He wrapped his arms around me, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Please?"


He kissed me gently, making me a little weak in the knees. "How about now?"

"You're really convincing," I smiled.

He laughed and let me go. "Come on. You could use the inspiration anyway."

"How is this going to serve as inspiration?" I asked skeptically.

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