Chapter 4: You Owe Me A New Milkshake

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4. You Owe Me A New Milkshake

"Oh gosh," Shayley groaned. "Would you two just stop this already?"

Austin smirked and Jessica stuck her tongue out at her.

"You know what I think?" Liam said. "I think you need some romance in your life."

"That's actually not a bad idea," I thought.

"Shut up Liam," she scoffed.

"Where's Shawn?" Jacob asked.

I shrugged. "Haven't seen him since morning."

"Somebody's annoyed," Liam teased.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not annoyed. I just don't like the idea of him spending his entire day with Melanie."

"So you're jealous instead."

I glared at him. "Shut up Liam."

"Well if you're looking for Shawn here he comes," Austin pointed out. "With Melanie."

"Oh this is going to be good," Liam snickered and we all glared at him.

He sunk into his chair. "What? Geez I'm sorry."

"Hi Shawn," Jessica said.

His gaze landed on me and I gave him a small smile.

"Hey," he responded. "I've introduced Mel to most of you right? Melanie meet Jacob and Liam, my best mates."

She stretched out her arm and Liam gladly accepted it.

"Nice to meet you in person. I've heard a lot about you."

Shawn facepalmed himself and Shayley hissed at him.


"I'll shut up now."

"You have?" she chirped with glee. "How flattering."

She took a seat after Jacob offered her the one beside him. Shawn pulled out the chair next to me, but she stopped him.

"Shawn, I thought we'd sit together like the old times."

"We're still at the same table Mel. Besides, I'm fine here."

"But we always sit together," she whined.

Really? Sat. You always sat together.

"I think Shawn can decide for himself where he wants to sit don't you think?" I told her before looking at him. "Shawn, sit wherever you want."

"Red light bro, don't do it. It's a trap," Liam hissed.

Jacob rolled his eyes and smacked the back of his head.

"Ow," he whined. "You know, I'm seriously considering making new friends."

"Aw," Jessica said, stroking his arm. "It's cute you think other people will tolerate you like we do."

He shrugged. "That is true though. Oh well, guess you all are stuck with me."

Shawn hesitated, then sat down next to me. "I kinda like this spot," he told her.

I held back a spiteful smile while ignoring the glare she gave me.


School had closed for the day and I wanted to take a walk home by myself. I packed my books and headed out of the Physics lab. Just when I was about to exit, Kyle appeared at the door.

"Oh um...hi," he said. "I was looking for someone."

"Hey Kyle, how's it going?"

"Great," he responded. "How about you? I don't hear much from you these days. You're never in the bleachers during practice anymore. For Austin of course."

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