Chapter 22: A Ticking Time Bomb

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22. A Ticking Time Bomb

Shawn's POV

I quickly opened the door and entered the room.

"Sorry I'm late Doc," I said. "My friends weren't buying any of my usual excuses."

"I assume our meetings are still a secret?" she asked. "Therapy's nothing to be ashamed of Shawn."

I sighed and sat down. "I'm not ashamed. It's just...this, talking about my mother and all, it's something I'd like to keep to myself...for now."

Dr. Parker nodded in understanding before going on. "So I assume we're going to pick up where we left of if you don't have anything to say. Do you?"

I sighed deeply again. "Well, I still haven't gotten over my mother's death, some douche is currently pursuing the girl I love and won't back down and I lie to my friends on a daily basis now. I guess those are the top three lying on my chest right now."

"Shawn, you already know why you don't tell your friends what you do after school. And I've told you, you don't just forget about someone's death, you only learn to live with it and cope in a better, healthy way," she gently told me. "Now about this girl."

"What about her?"

"Was she the one who was recently hospitalized?"

I slowly nodded.

"And during that time, how did you feel?"

"Vulnerable," I replied softly. "Scared."

"Scared you were going to lose her or scared you were going to lose her the same way you lost your mother?"

"Both...I guess," I answered. "It terrified me that I could lose her, but she dying just how my mum did sort of pushed the limit a bit. It was like life was taunting me I guess. Telling me it could take away everyone I love just like that."

"You really do love her?" she asked.

I chuckled and leaned back without saying anything, her probably already knowing the answer.

"And does she know that?"

"I don't know," I simply replied.

"Well why don't you tell her?"

"Because," I began. "It's not that simple. Khalan's...stubborn."

"Well at least you both have something in common," she joked. "My advice Shawn, not just as your therapist, tell her before it's too late."

I inhaled sharply and changed the topic. "Whatever um...we were talking about my family last time. Something about my dad."

She chuckled but didn't push me. "Alright Shawn. So your father. You said your relationship with him in the past was...a bit strained?"



"He basically forgot about her," I shrugged.

She nodded. "Well people grieve in different ways Shawn. Maybe him pretending he forgot about your mom was his way of coping. Sometimes people hide their emotions than show what they really feel."

"Hide?" I scoffed. "He completely shut down. Went on some emotional lock down. Did I mention he left us for five months and let Marge raise us? And then he comes back stone cold and expects us to do whatever he says. He wanted to control our lives, and I didn't think he deserved that luxury."

"So you rebelled," she continued.

"I guess you could say that."

"You have a lot of anger towards your father don't you?" she asked.

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