Chapter 31: You Only Live Once

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31. You Only Live Once

"This is awesome!" Liam yelled in the open.

I took a breath of fresh air. It really was.

"Wait till we get to the edge," Shawn said.

I caught up to Shayley and linked my arm with hers. "Hey."

She offered me a small smile. "Hey. You okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah. And I'm sorry. I should have told you what was going on."

"You don't have to apologize for anything," she said. "It's just...I just wish I could've helped you y'know."

"It's okay," I chuckled. "That wasn't your burden to carry."

"I know, I know," she sighed. "You remember when we were fifteen? When I totally reached my...lowest point?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Khalan if you didn't find me that day, when I was lying on my bedroom floor, I would have died," she said.

"Shay," I said softly.

"You saved my life that day," she continued with a chuckle. "You didn't know, but you did."

"You don't owe me anything for that, you know that right?" I asked her. "Anyone at all could've walked in."

"I know," she said. "But I wanted you to talk to me. I would have understood. Because God help me Khalan if something happened to you because of this I-"

"I'm fine," I assured her. "No more pills. I promise."

Taking them may have felt good, but what I failed to realize was that it affected a lot of people too.

"We're here," Shawn announced.

I looked up and walked to the edge with the rest of them, looking at the breathtaking view.

"Wow," Jacob marvelled.

"I know right," Jess added.

"I am so ready to jump off this thing," Liam said.

"Liam it's like fifty feet tall," Renée remarked.

Shawn chuckled. "Follow me."

We walked along the edge till we came to a gentle slope that allowed us to climb down to a safer height. Liam didn't waste any time. He just threw his shirt off and cannonballed right in.

"Shit!" he yelled when he splashed right in. "The water's freezing. I need to do this again."

"Are you crazy?" Jess asked.

"You only live once Jessie!" he yelled back with a grin.

"He has lost it," I laughed.

"Yeah but, you really do only live once," Kyle shrugged and followed.

"I gotta try this," Renée chuckled and stripped down to her swimsuit. She ran towards the edge and flew right into the water. The guys cheered her on.

"Well, here goes nothing," Jacob remarked and followed.

"I missed this," Shawn said and was next.

Austin did too, then Shayley followed, and then it was left with Jessica and I.

"Oh come on girls it's not even that cold!" Shayley shouted from below.

"Yes it is!" Shawn yelled in addition.

I could feel him smirking and I shook my head. Jerk.

I held Jessica's hand. "You only live once?"

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