Chapter 2: Why Is He Smiling Like We've Known Him Forever?

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2. Why Is He Smiling Like We've Known Him Forever?

She smiled and got up from her seat, her silky black hair shining and her bright blue eyes glowing. "Why are you acting so shocked?"

"Because," Shawn answered. "We haven't seen each other since that summer back in Melbourne. How did you even find where I live Mel? When did you move?"

"Oh stop exaggerating," she chuckled and walked closer to him. I was practically invisible at the moment. "I moved a few weeks ago and thought I'd look for you."

"And you couldn't call first?"

She shrugged and threw her arms around him, leaning on his shoulder. "What's so wrong with surprising my boyfriend?"

What's so wrong with surprising my boyfriend?



Her words rang through my ear, over and over again. I don't know when, but by the time I realized I had taken to my heels, running out of his house back to mine, quite grateful for the short distance. I bolted straight to my home, slamming the door behind me when I entered.

"Honey," my mom gasped. "Wha-"

"I don't want to talk to him," I cut her off and ran upstairs. Knowing Shawn he was probably chasing after me. I entered my room and sat on my bed thinking. Boyfriend? Shawn had a girlfriend already? He was cheating on me with that Mel girl. Or maybe he was cheating on her with me. This was all too much. Maybe instead of running I should have made him explain. But would I have liked what he had to say? A tear fell from my eye and I wiped it with the back of my hand. Just then my door opened and Shawn walked in, shutting it behind him.

"Get out."

He rose his hand to stop me from speaking. "I know you're confused, maybe angry, but I promise you Khalan, I can explain. Your mum said you didn't want to talk, well you don't have to. Just listen."

I took in a breath and stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Remember that night at the lake when we all went camping? When you asked if I had ever...gone out with anyone?"


"Hey I have a question for you," I told him curiously.

"Fire away."

"Who was the last girl you dated? Not counting the ones you occasionally mess around with of course."

He let out a small laugh. "I don't date Michaels."

"Seriously? You haven't been in one actual relationship?"

He sighed. "Well there was one girl back in Australia. We were friends for a really long time. We were doing that whole long distance thing but I went back one summer and realized we really grew apart. So I ended it," he explained.

"And then you went back to your normal bad boy routine right?" I teased.

He turned to face me and smirked. "Exactly."

I rolled my eyes, facing him too.

"Hey I'm not just the player people make me out to be you know. Just...Shawn."

I smiled. "I know."

My mind went back to that night and I slowly nodded.

"That's her...Melanie."

I inhaled deeply and let out a breath. Upon all the girls he's fooled around with the serious one had to show up?

"Mel and I...I wouldn't even call it dating," he continued. "Sure we went out together and stuff but it was definitely not like us. We thought we were alike when in reality we were total opposites. We've been friends for a really long time. One summer when I went back to Melbourne things just kinda took off. Sure we had a little thing but then I came back and realized I didn't really like her as much. We were different and the distance wasn't working."

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